Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Maryland farmers pass on supporting medical marijuana

The Maryland Farm Bureau has declined again to support efforts to grow marijuana for medical purposes in the Free State.

Officially, the powerful agricultural lobby is taking no position on the fledgling industry. For the second time in as many years, a county delegation's attempt to bring the state group on board failed to make it to a vote before the full delegation.

"It's something I think a lot of members are watching other states to see how it plays out," said Matt Teffeau, the farm bureau's assistant director of government relations. "A lot of our members are interested in it, but it doesn't have the support to move forward."


Guyana should update its marijuana legislation like Jamaica

With the current debate regarding marijuana legislation and sentencing policy in Guyana, I here share how Jamaica has recently updated its legislation and changed its policy with regard to marijuana. Earlier this year Jamaica enacted the Dangerous Drug (Amendment) Act 2015 that decriminalized the possession of under 2 ounces of marijuana, making it a ticketable offence instead. A brief summary of the legislation shows:


Going to pot? Canada leads way in legalizing marijuana

Ottawa (AFP) - Justin Trudeau raised eyebrows when he admitted to having dabbled in marijuana while a member of parliament, but his pledge as prime minister to legalize pot has been broadly cheered.

He said in a policy speech on Friday that his Liberal government would introduce legislation as early as 2016 to legalize marijuana, making Canada the first in the G7 bloc of industrialized nations to do so, although precise details remain sketchy.

Two in three Canadians support decriminalizing possession and use of the mind-altering weed, according to a recent Ipsos poll.

Support is widespread and at its highest level in three decades, it said, even though cannabis use has fallen off.


What is 'usable' pot under medical marijuana law focus in Bay County couple's prosecution

BAY CITY, MI — Whether a Bangor Township couple broke the law by having too much "usable" pot in their medical marijuana growing operation is the point of contention in ongoing legal proceedings.

Sandra K. Dabrowski, 63, and David A. Dabrowski, 64, are both charged with delivering or manufacturing marijuana. The charge is a four-year felony. A preliminary examination for the couple commenced Tuesday, Dec. 8, in Bay County District Court.


Kevin Sabet Is The Marijuana Movement's Biggest Threat, But Can He Really Stop 'Big Pot'?

BETHESDA, Maryland -- Kevin Sabet, the man Salon called the quarterback of the new anti-drug movement, the guy Rolling Stone labeled the No.


What Canada's Most Famous Marijuana Activist Wants To Say To Justin Trudeau

On Dec. 4, activist and entrepreneur Marc Emery was in Toronto for the grand opening of the city's newest cannabis dispensary, 416 Medicinal Health Center. Meanwhile in Ottawa, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was getting ready for his first Throne Speech, which reaffirmed his government'scommitment to legalize cannabis in Canada.


Canada leads way in legalising marijuana

OTTAWA, Canada (AFP) – Justin Trudeau raised eyebrows when he admitted to having dabbled in marijuana while a member of parliament, but his pledge as prime minister to legalise pot has been broadly cheered.

He said in a policy speech on Friday that his Liberal government would introduce legislation as early as 2016 to legalise marijuana, making Canada the first in the G7 bloc of industrialised nations to do so, although precise details remain sketchy.

Two in three Canadians support decriminalising possession and use of the mind-altering weed, according to a recent Ipsos poll.

Support is widespread and at its highest level in three decades, it said, even though cannabis use has fallen off.


As UNGASS approaches, yet another devastating UN critique of the drug war is published

A significant positive outcome has already emerged from next year’s UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS)on drugs in the form of much more direct engagement in key drug policy issues from a range of UN agencies - beyond the prohibitionist silo of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Civil society organisations have, for years, been attempting to highlight the negative impacts of the international drug control system on issues relating to the core UN pillars of human rights, development, and peace and security.


Drugs are no different to other indulgences, so why are they illegal?

The distinction between illegal drugs and legal pursuits such as alcohol, gambling and cigarettes is irrational.

How did we get into this bind about drugs?

Smoking cigarettes is enjoyed by a lot of people but it is very harmful to smokers and to others. We know we cannot eliminate smoking by making it a crime. So we reduce the harm by regulating sale and by other measures, such as public campaigns to persuade people to give up smoking, restrictions on advertising, treatment for addiction and so on.


Sen. Jones plans to advance medical marijuana reforms

Sen Rick Jones, R-Grand Ledge(Photo: Dale G. Young / Detroit News file)

Lansing — Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Rick Jones said Tuesday he plans to advance a package of bills clarifying the legal status of medical marijuana dispensaries and “edible” forms of pot before the Legislature adjourns for the year.

Whether there will be a full Senate vote yet this year on the House-passed bills, said Jones, remains to be decided by Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof, R-West Olive, and the GOP majority caucus in the Senate.

Jones backs the legislation, which he said is necessary to clear up problems with Michigan’s medical marijuana law.


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