Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Redlands Planning Commission mulls change to medical marijuana law, postpones to January

REDLANDS >> The Planning Commission on Tuesday wrestled with a proposed change in the city’s medical marijuana laws.

Medical marijuana dispensaries are prohibited in the city. The city code does not address the cultivation, processing, delivery and distribution of medical cannabis, according to the report.

City staff is proposing the city’s code ban these activities in the city.

The Planning Commission on Tuesday postponed the issue to January and asked that the city attorney and police chief be present to answer several questions that arose during the meeting.


State panel: No cultivation of medical marijuana in Georgia

A quick expansion of Georgia’s medical marijuana likely went up in smoke Wednesday when a state-sanctioned board voted down a proposal to allow the plants’ cultivation within the state.

The decision by the Commission on Medical Cannabis came a day after House Speaker David Ralston, R-Blue Ridge, told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that he wants to give Georgians access to cannabis oil made from homegrown marijuana.

The commission held their last meeting of the year and made initial recommendations about improving the state’s new law.


Commission rejects calls for growing medical cannabis in Georgia

Activists still plan to push for better access

A state commission is backing Gov. Nathan Deal in refusing to support the cultivation and distribution of marijuana in Georgia for medicinal use.

“There’s no appetite for cultivation,” said state Sen. Butch Miller, R-Gainesville, a member of the Commission on Medical Cannabis. “Until you have a clear model … there are too many vague concepts about cultivation for me to be comfortable with it.”

Lawmakers last spring approved the use of cannabis oil to treat eight medical conditions, but the prospect of manufacturing and selling the drug in-state was left for the commission to review.


Doesn't America Deserve a Marijuana Rights Movement That Just Wants to Eliminate Legal ...

Last week the International Business Times ran a very interesting profile of Dan Riffle, who recently quit his position as federal policy director for the Marijuana Policy Project over his disquieting sense that the movement is becoming too centered on the interests of the businesses trying to make money in a slowly legalizing marijuana industry.



The War on Drugs Is Destroying the Environment

A few serious tweaks to global drug policy could have positive and lasting effects on the global environment.

The issues of illicit drug use and the degradation of the Earth's environment are global in scope and may not at first glance appear to be related. But the policies we are using to tackle the cultivation and trafficking of drugs are not only failing, they are deeply counterproductive – not least because they are accelerating our planet's ecological crisis.

For forty years, the main focus of drug policy has been to destroy crops and chase down traffickers. This has sometimes even been done in the name of environmental protection, to justify destroying drug fields carved from rain forest.


Moncton man fights to vape medical marijuana in hospital

A Moncton man dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and chronic pain is fighting for permission to vape medical marijuana while staying in the Dr. Georges-L-Dumont University Hospital Centre.

Michel Arsenault says he was prescribed medical marijuana in 2005 to deal with chronic pain after he was injured on the job in 1999.

medical marijuana

Arseneault said he has tried other medication, such as methadone and morphine, but the medical marijuana is the best at handling his chronic pain. (Stephanie Skenderis/CBC)


Trinidad and Tobago: Medical cannabis and the recession

It is time for Trinidad and Tobago to put away the fundamental bias that has been attributed towards cannabis (ganja, marijuana, herbs, high grade — whatever you want to call it) for decades and see how it can benefit the Government and its people through legalised, taxed and well-regulated medical cannabis (which has been proven to be far safer than alcohol and cigarettes combined).

This can create numerous economic benefits for this country in the state of its recession.

The taxes can increase the country's revenue, which can be a major help with the recession.

Job creation is integral to any economy and cannabis jobs already exist in T&T but are unfortunately already held by criminals.


Pittsburgh’s proposed marijuana decriminalization would free up law-enforcement resources

“It will really help a lot of young men and women’s lives from being destroyed.”

Most people can come up with a slew of reasons to decriminalize or even legalize marijuana: It has proven medicinal benefits; it consistently accounts for fewer deaths annually than alcohol consumption; and many believe minorities are disproportionately persecuted for its possession.

But another case for decriminalizing marijuana is that it can reduce the strain on city resources by freeing up law-enforcement officials to focus on violent crimes, and also free up court resources by reducing the number of individuals circulating through the criminal justice system.


Colorado Springs City Council gives preliminary OK to marijuana paraphernalia law

A passel of parents protested a pot paraphernalia ordinance Tuesday for Colorado Springs, deeming it unnecessary, duplicative of state law and an attack on medical marijuana patients who are minors.

The law won preliminary City Council approval on a 7-2 vote, with Councilors Helen Collins and Bill Murray dissenting.

"This is seriously an overreach that will result in a police state," Murray said.

The city ordinance largely echoes state law, mandating that minors under age 18 cannot possess the paraphernalia unless they are medical marijuana patients. But the District Attorney's Office doesn't make marijuana-related crimes a priority, so a local law is needed to spur local prosecution, city documents say.


California Marijuana Legalization Advocates Jump Ship, Back "Sean Parker" Measure

Despite a lack of Sean Parker — and a most certain lack of his money — the "Adult Use of Marijuana Act," a marijuana legalization initiative proposed for the Nov. 2016 California ballot, has become known as the "Parker initiative." (Parker, long rumored to be interested in bankrolling a ballot measure to legalize cannabis, because apparently that's what billionaires do, has voiced support for the measure, but has not formally lent his name to anything.) 


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