Recreational Marijuana News


How Many of Us Would Buy Cannabis If It Was Sold in High Street Shops?

The Lib Dems have adopted a plan legalise cannabis shops as their party policy. 

Their party wants to see:

  • Licensed shops sell cannabis to over 18s
  • The strength of cannabis regulated
  • Smokers allowed to grow plants at home
  • Plain packaging with health information

But how many people in Wales use cannabis or other drugs?

How many of us smoke cannabis?

6.1% of adults (under 59) in Wales say they smoked cannabis at least once last year.


How Scientists Debunked a Study About Medical Marijuana Laws and Underage Use

It’s one of the main questions voters ask when they consider a cannabis measure: Will legalization — whether medical or adult use — encourage more kids to get high? 

With some form of legalization expected on at least a half-dozen state ballots this November, data showing increased or decreased use by minors will likely be a powerful weapon in the battle for votes.  


The Shake: 4/20 Cannabis Cup Bolts to California, Public Use in Toronto Ends, and Bernie Inhaled but Didn’t Enjoy

4/20 Cannabis Cup now in San Berdoo! OK. For reals. We think the 4/20 Cannabis Cup has actually found a home. After getting kicked out of the Denver Mart and then failing to secure the permits to hold the annual bacchanal in Pueblo, Colo., it looks like the good folks at High Times have moved the event to San Bernardino, Calif. Michael Roberts, reporting for Westword, follows the thread to the NOS Center in San Berdoo, which has hosted previous (medical) California Cannabis Cups. The U.S. Cannabis Cup, with its competitions and cannabis carnival booths, will take place there April 15–17.


Canada: Judges question simple marijuana possession cases as legality remains in limbo

Some criminal trial judges are questioning why people continue to be prosecuted for simple possession of marijuana while the Liberal government moves to legalize the narcotic, the country’s most senior prosecutors told parliamentarians Thursday.

The House of Commons justice committee heard that one magistrate is even considering whether to continue with a simple-possession case before the court given the Liberal’s promise to turn pot consumption into a legal, regulated recreational activity.


'NJ Weedman' says closing pot temple violates religious freedom

After battling the legal system on two coasts and spending time in and out of prison, New Jersey's loudest champion of marijuana went legit last year when he opened up a restaurant across from city hall in this state's capital city.

Now, he's headed back to court.

Ed Forchion, better known as NJ Weedman, said Wednesday that Trenton police infringed on his religious rights after shutting down the cannabis temple attached to his restaurant for operating too late at night last weekend.

He has filed an injunction in federal court to keep his temple open after 11 p.m. That's when many of his 600 congregants gather, some to smoke marijuana on a property that includes a large white cross festooned with ornamental marijuana leaves.


Is it time for football to reconsider marijuana?

If you play professional football, "your job automatically gives you the symptom of chronic pain," said Baltimore Ravens offensive tackle Eugene Monroe, who has played in the NFL since 2009. "You're hitting each other as hard as possible every single day in practice. Your body is in pain a lot of time."

More and more players are looking to marijuana for pain relief, he said, despite risking punishment from the NFL.


Marijuana is on the march in Florida

Marijuana is on the march in Florida.

Volusia County made it legal to carry small amounts last week.

South Florida counties did it last year.

Tampa is preparing to do it next week.

Even Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer is looking at the issue.

Plus, a statewide campaign to legalize medical marijuana appears poised to pass this fall.

Heck, this state's beginning to look like one big Grateful Dead show.

Really, though, all this has little to do with Floridians being eager to get high and more to do with taxpayers — and law-enforcement officers — being sick of wasting tax dollars and judicial resources on small-time possession charges that often get dropped or reduced anyway.


3 Things to Know Before You Buy Recreational Cannabis Oil for Vaping

Welcome to the oil boom.

It's common knowledge we don't actually know much about how vaping affects our bodies. Sure, extracting vapor doesn't create carcinogens, and it's a more effective way to get the most THC and other cannabinoids from your bud. However, the first disposable vape pen I tried burned my throat after a few rips, and some of my friends experienced headaches that had never happened after smoking flower.

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'Erowid' Analysis Finds People Like Cannabis No Matter What Other Drug They Take

Marijuana is the world’s drug of choice. This is evident to travelers and entrepreneurs, as well as researchers parsing Erowid, the online drug encyclopedia. A group called Project Youth at the University of Amsterdam has just finished cataloguing all the personal testimonies on the site to get a snapshot of how people have been using drugs over the past decade and which drugs they’ve been using together. Turns out that cannabis plays well with others.


Mommy and Me and Marijuana

My husband is very supportive. My three grown sons feel some mixture of pride, amusement, and embarrassment about my latest book Just Say Yes: A Marijuana Memoir, which has been featured in popular publications and websites. My friends are happy for me in my new role as a marijuana advocate.

But my mom does not approve.

You would think at my age it wouldn't matter. After all, I'm collecting Social Security myself. Barcroft TV, a UK outfit, made a short documentary about me with the demeaning title, "Potty Pensioner Puffs A Joint A Day For Fifty Years."

Still, I want my 92-year-old mother to encourage me in my candor about cannabis.


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