Recreational Marijuana News


Meet the Celebrated Chef Who Cooks Secret Marijuana Dinners to Promote Pot Culture

The instructions in the anonymous email were only somewhat clear: When I got to the warehouse in Brooklyn, I was supposed to walk around back, through the parking lot, and up the loading-dock stairs. I did just that and was promptly greeted and escorted through a back door, down the hall, up a flight of stairs, down another hallway, then around yet another corner. Finally, though, I arrived at the tiny dining room and makeshift kitchen where I and about 20 other guests would eat a clandestine marijuana tasting menu put together by one of New York's most well-known cooks of Filipino cuisine.


Which country is really the No. 1 consumer of marijuana?

If you go by United Nation figures, Icelanders consume the most cannabis as a percentage of the national population. However, if you take a closer look at the numbers, that doesn’t mean much.

More than 18% of the Icelandic population consumed cannabis throughout the year in 2012, topping the U.S.’s reported 15.4% during 2013, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. The U.N. figures are largely self-reported and the years the data were collected vary by country.


Bernie Sanders: I've Done Marijuana Made Me Cough a Lot' – Video

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders says, on Monday during a campaign rally in Michigan, that he has tried marijuana twice in his life when he was very young. He adds that the drug made him cough a lot. Sanders also said Heroin addiction must be tackled but dismisses comparisons between the “killer drug” and marijuana.



Va. Legalizing the Manufacturing of Industrial Hemp


A cash crop banned in Virginia for decades will soon be legally grown in the commonwealth, thanks to some new legislation.

Governor Terry McAuliffe signed a bill this week that will let people legally manufacture industrial hemp products. That law goes into effect July first this year.

The Virginia Industrial Hemp Coalition (VIHC) calls it a historic milestone after years of lobbying for legalization.


4 Notable Quotes From Kentucky's Legalization of Industrial Hemp Farming

Kentucky is one of several states that have legalized the farming and research of industrial hemp, but it is the only state in the South to do so. Other states that have legalized such cultivation and research include Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, Vermont, Washington, and West Virginia.

Federal law still sees hemp as a Schedule I controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act, which has sparked debate in Kentucky about the plant. 

Here are four quotes about issues surrounding then industrial hemp farming issue in Kentucky.


Ski-town weed: Deterrent or draw?

BRECKENRIDGE, Colo. — Chicago-based travel agent and mother-of-four Lynn Farrell represents a kind of worst-case scenario for Colorado’s ski towns and resorts.

“Who really wants to ski where everybody’s stoned?,” asks Farrell, president of Windy City Travel. “It is a concern.”


New World Health Org Report: The health and social effects of nonmedical cannabis use

Chapter 9. Conclusions

9.1 What do we know?

In summary there is less knowledge about the health and social effects of nonmedical cannabis use than about the use of alcohol and tobacco. On the basis of the current review by experts, the following conclusions of the known and unknown effects can be made.

9.1.1 What do we know about the neurobiology of cannabis use?

We know the following:

·       CB1 receptors (which respond to THC) are widely distributed in the brain, including areas that control attention, decision-making, motivation and memory.


Most Cannabis Destined for Europe is Smuggled from Morocco

Rabat – The 2015 report by the International Narcotics Control Board reported that Morocco remains one of the world’s largest producers of cannabis and is Europe’s leading supplier of cannabis resin.

The UN-affiliated board noted that since its visit to the Moroccan government in 2009, the kingdom has demonstrated a “high” level of cooperation in anti-narcotics efforts, especially in the fields of preventing citizens from using cannabis, reducing the area of lands cultivating the plant, and treating narcotics addiction.


Seven reasons why the Caribbean may soon turn into a cannabis hotspot

There are many signs that some Caribbean countries may well develop into an Eldorado for cannabis and its consumers in the coming years. Read about the seven most important reasons here.


Poll: 68% Of Canadians Support Marijuana Legalization

During his campaign to become Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau campaigned on a pro-marijuana platform. One of the first things that he did after getting elected was to task federal officials in Canada with the goal of implementing a legal, regulated system for recreational marijuana in Canada. The process has been slow for various reasons, but I still believe that legal marijuana is on it’s way to Canada sooner than later. That would be a move that would have overwhelming support in Canada according to a recent poll. Per The Globe and Mail:


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