Recreational Marijuana News


Canada: Where's the weed? Why marijuana wasn't in the Liberal budget

Marijuana advocates expecting some mention about legalized pot in Tuesday’s federal budget were left high and dry.

Despite being a cornerstone of the Liberal election campaign, there has scarcely been a mention about legalizing weed from the party since it took power five months ago.

And it wasn’t in Tuesday’s budget, despite the popular position that legalization could be a cash cow used to offset the government’s $30-billion deficit.

In fact, the drug isn’t factored into any Liberal projections and the word marijuana did not appear once in the entire budget document.

So what gives?


Finland: Home cultivation of cannabis "explodes"

The number of aggravated drug crimes uncovered by Finnish authorities declined slightly last year. Meanwhile seizures of marijuana, LSD and doping substances rose compared to 2014.

The number of drug offences detected by Finnish police and Customs officials rose last year by 7.5 percent, according to a report published by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) on Monday. Last year authorities recorded 23,478 controlled substance crimes.


Study: Regular Marijuana Use Linked to Problems in Midlife

A study that followed children from birth to mid-life found that heavy marijuana users who smoked for years often fared worse as adults than their parents: Many ended up in jobs that paid less, required fewer skills and were less prestigious.

That wasn't so much the case for other people.

"The rest of the people in the study who were not regular and persistent cannabis users ended up in a higher social class than their parents," said Magdalena Cerda, lead investigator and associate professor at the University of California, Davis.


Jewish Group Releases Cannabis-Themed Passover Seder Haggadah

With the movement to repeal marijuana prohibition spreading across the United States and the Jewish holiday of Passover fast approaching, a husband-and-wife team in Oregon have produced a cannabis-themed Haggadah [ha-GAH-dah] to help see this old tradition in a new light.

The couple, Roy and Claire Kaufmann, are urging Jews all over the world to download the custom Haggadah and host an adults-only Cannabis Seder to explore the Jewish spiritual connection to the plant, and the need for Jewish engagement in ending the horrific War on Drugs and its resulting culture of mass incarceration.


Weed Is Winning: 4 Signs the Marijuana Business Is Booming

Even though marijuana use is still illegal federally, there are surprising signs it's going mainstream fast.

Marijuana is going mainstream fast, and so is the marijuana industry. In a time of sluggish growth, the pot business is bursting with energy.

It’s a weird mix of righteous exhilaration at the victory of the weed over the dark forces of repression (at least in some places) and people walking around with dollar signs in their eyes. But like it or not, pot is hot.

Here are some signs of the times:


The National Cannabis Festival is coming to D.C. in April

Last February, a group of pot advocates and enthusiasts started plotting a cannabis festival focused on policy, not recreational use. Now, after more than a year of planning, the National Cannabis Festival is coming to D.C. on April 23. Held on the festival grounds at RFK Stadium, the full-day bash features De La Soul as the headlining act, with earlier performances by Jesse Royal, Congo Sanchez, Backyard Band and Nappy Riddem.

The festival's other components -- an education pavilion and fairs dedicated to advocacy and vendors -- make it clear the inaugural event isn't only about cool music and good vibes. In partnership with more than 20 advocacy groups, the event celebrates the loosening of cannabis bans.


Marijuana May Be Good For Your Skin, But Smoking Is Not — That's Where Vapes Come In

There's delightful news for the health-conscious cannabis users: Studies have found that using cannabis could be good for your skin, due to THC's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. While these THC attributes can be introduced to the body through topicals like "kush cream," for those looking to reap pot's other key benefit — aka getting high — they've long been forced to smoke their weed.


Uruguay’s Half-Baked Marijuana Experiment

The small South American nation is the world's first country to legalize marijuana. But just because the drug is legal to buy doesn't mean you can buy it legally.

PUNTA DEL ESTE, Uruguay — In December 2013, Uruguay offered itself as the world’s leading laboratory for marijuana policy. That month, the Latin American nation of some 3.5 million people became the first country to legalize and regulate the cultivation, sale, and consumption of the drug, turning itself into an outlier in a region where failed prohibition policies had been the norm. Marijuana legalization advocates from around the world eagerly waited to see how the case study would play out.


How To Choose The Right Vaporizer

As new vaporizer models are being launched on regular basis Vape Track came up with handy visual introduction to the vaping world which contains information on vaporizer types, how each of them works, most important tech specs and top model recommendations.

See their infographic below: 


Family wants death from synthetic marijuana to serve as warning

David Lee Buffington’s obituary was brief, only three sentences, but his father said he included one detail to make a point.

David Lee Buffington, 50, died March 4 in Clute while smoking synthetic cannabis, the obituary states.

“The reason I put it in the paper like that is I wanted to make a statement and maybe someone will read it and think a little bit about it,” Wade Buffington said.

Wade Buffington said he was told by Clute police officers they suspected his son overdosed on synthetic marijuana, but nothing has been verified.

Interim Clute Police Chief Ernest Pedraza said he cannot confirm David Lee Buffington’s cause of death until they receive the autopsy report.


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