Recreational Marijuana News


Danish school caretaker fired for selling homegrown marijuana to youngsters

Finn Ove Nielsen says he is sorry, but thinks the punishment is too harsh

Finn Ove Nielsen had been the caretaker at Vestermark School in North Skerninge on Funen for 25 years until he was fired on Monday for selling homegrown pot to young people from his residence in the city.

“I know that I have done something completely stupid, but I think that the punishment is too tough,” Nielsen told “I don’t think it has anything to do with my work, but the municipality seems to think it does.”


Jesus Healed Sick People With Marijuana, Researchers Discover

Historical and scientific research suggests that Jesus Christ may have been an avid marijuana user, and experts say he may have also used the plant to heal sick people. 

Experts suggest that cannabis may have been a key ingredient in the “anointing oil” used by Jesus and his followers in rituals for healing. reports:

From the original High Times article:


Margaret Lavin: Is marijuana the next Big Tobacco?

California was the first state to legalize marijuana for medical use in 1996. In 2010, Proposition 19 would have made California the first state to legalize nonmedical marijuana, but voters defeated the measure by a 53.5-46.5 margin. However, lawmakers will try again. There are two major initiatives that have a very good chance of qualifying for the November ballot due to their financial backing and political support.

Researchers at UC San Francisco (UCSF) recently released a new report that evaluates the retail marijuana legalization proposals in California from a public health standard. According to the study, recreational marijuana will likely lead to a new profit-driven industry similar to Big Tobacco that could impede public health efforts.


UK Response to Debate - Large majority of voters back cannabis legalisation

The majority of our online voters in today's debate believe that it should be right to legalise cannabis for recreational use.

This comes after a Cumbria MP called for the legalisation of cannabis for recreational use - sparking a row with an aspiring police and crime commissioner.

Tim Farron, the Westmorland and Lonsdale MP, will back a motion calling for his Liberal Democrats party to extend its existing support for the legalisation of cannabis for medicinal use to recreational use.

The motion follows the release of findings from an expert, Lib Dem-appointed panel.

Mr Farron becomes the first main party leader to propose decriminalising the drug for social use.



For once, a documentary that matches the spirit of its subject. Mitch Dickman's Rolling Papers charts Colorado's first calendar year of legalized marijuana through the lens of Ricardo Baca, the cannabis editor at the Denver Post; this appointment, it probably goes without saying, was the first of its kind from a major daily newspaper (ditto the pot critics who were also taken aboard).


5 Times Marijuana Was A Trending Topic On Facebook Last Week

Marijuana is going mainstream. That's not news. What is news is how many times the subject of marijuana percolated to the top of Facebook's trending topics last week. A story has to be pretty big to become a trending topic.

It's not like on Twitter where trending topics are often hashtags related to Twitter's real time signal. It's one of Twitter's best features. Twitter moves at the speed of the internet so much so that when Michael Jackson died in 2009, his passing was a trending topic on Twitter two hours before any major news site "broke" the news.


What Cannabis Tourism In Colorado Is Really Like

The first thing you notice when you walk into the Bud & Breakfast called "B and B 420" is that it's really, really clean. It's that feeling of relief you get when you realize that the place you're staying will be nice — better than nice, nicer than your house. The second thing you notice is the faint smell of fresh marijuana in the air, your one gram sample waiting for you in a tupperware on the coffee table tray, beside some rolling papers and a pipe.


Marijuana growing starts at authorized facilities in Uruguay

The two companies authorized to grow marijuana in Uruguay have started production of the crop, the Web site reported.

ICCorp and Simbiosys "are already working in the fields of the Cannabis Regulation and Control Institute, or IRCCA, to produce and distribute marijuana," said.

Technicians and experts spent a week preparing the fields, which are in the southwestern province of San Jose, to grow cannabis, the Web site said.

The sale and purchase of marijuana was legalized in 2013 by the administration of former President Jose Mujica, who was in office from 2010 to 2015.

The government expects that regulated marijuana produced in Uruguay will be available for sale at pharmacies by mid-2016.


Swiss spliff: 4 cities pave way for opening of ‘cannabis clubs’

A pilot project for creation of cannabis clubs, where members can use the soft drug without fear of being punished, is being launched in four Swiss cities – Zurich, Basel, Bern and Geneva, local media report.

"The four cities have agreed to include pilot projects on their territory," Sandro Cattacin, sociology professor at the University of Geneva, and Geneva representative in the discussions of the cannabis clubs issue, told broadcaster SRF


Bill Maher Smoked A Joint On TV To Strengthen His Argument

Marijuana legalization is a huge and hot topic right now, and yes, the United States is making progress in it all, but some think it is moving too slow. Bill Maher is one of those people and he knows there is still a long way to go before it is legal everywhere, and it is no secret that he loves to smoke a bit of weed now and again. Well, smoking it legally indoors and on the set of Real Time with Bill Maher is something up for question, but that’s exactly what he did last night.

During a segment on Real Time on Friday night, Maher totally blasted the hypocrisy of the marijuana laws in the United States. In order to push his point and make an entirely huge statement, he lit up a joint and smoked weed on television.


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