Recreational Marijuana News


Potent Pot: Marijuana Is Stronger Now Than It Was 20 Years Ago

Pot is becoming more potent, a new study suggests.

In the study, the researchers looked at more than 38,600 samples of illegal marijuana seized by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration over 20 years. They found that the level of THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol— marijuana's main psychoactive ingredient — in the marijuana samples rose from about 4 percent in 1995 to about 12 percent in 2014.

Conversely, the level of CBD, or cannabidiol — an ingredient sometimes touted for its potential health benefits — fell from about 0.28 percent in 2001 to less than 0.15 percent in 2014.


Pot fans, foes fume as Washington DC tests limits of high life

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Almost a year has passed since it became legal to smoke, but not sell, marijuana in Washington, D.C., and pot enthusiasts and opponents alike are chafing under a compromise that leaves smokers in a haze over how to obtain their weed.

Sales of equipment to grow the plants indoors are booming, bartenders are getting joints as tips and the city council is deliberating whether to license cannabis clubs.

Both smokers and police complain that the city's ban on sales, imposed by congressional conservatives, are leaving residents to bump up against legal limits around the drug.


Actor Woody Harrelson Applies To Open Marijuana Dispensary In Hawaii

Woody Harrelson has been an outspoken marijuana legalization activist for years and now he is putting his money where his mouth is and applying to open up a dispensary in Hawaii. The world-renowned actor was one of nearly 60 some people to apply for the chance to open one of the first dispensaries in the state.

Media caught word of Harrelson’s potential investment when the Hawaii Department of Health published a list of 66 names on Friday, of people who applied to open a dispensary on the island. In April, the health department will announce which applicants will be awarded a permit.


Mass. Medical Marijuana Lobbyist Opposes Recreational Legalisation

Daniel Delaney, lobbyist for Patriot Care, the operator of Boston’s only medical cannabis dispensary, has formed a campaign committee to oppose the legalisation of recreational cannabis in Massachusetts.

According to public records filed with the state Office of Campaign & Political Finance on Wednesday, the purpose of the new group, Safe Cannabis Massachusetts, is “opposition to the ballot initiative to regulate and tax marijuana like alcohol” that is likely to appear on the ballot in November of this year.


4 Fears About Marijuana Legalization That Have Been Totally Disproven by Reality

Colorado and Washington legalized marijuana in 2012, and Alaska, Oregon and Washington DC, came on board in 2014. Voters in a half-dozen states are likely to vote on legalization this year, and they will be wanting to know what kind of impact it has had so far, both in the legal states and nationwide.

In an update in the January/February edition of the Journal of Addiction Medicine, researchers Jane C. Maxwell of the University of Texas at Austin and Bruce Mendelson of the Denver Office of Drug Strategy review the data and provide some insights into the initial impact of marijuana law reforms. 


Canadian police: Liberals’ vow to legalize pot creating chaos

Canada’s frontline officers and police chiefs are alarmed by the growing chaos in the marijuana industry, saying the Liberal Party’s promise to eventually legalize the drug has sparked confusion across the country.

Illegal pot dispensaries are opening up from coast to coast at the same time as some users feel they should no longer be subject to the Criminal Code, prompting law-enforcement officials to urge the Trudeau government to remind Canadians that marijuana remains an illegal drug.


Can Medical Marijuana Save Football? Activists Call NFL To Loosen Rules On Cannabis

As more and more football players succumb to painfully terrible illnesses, advocates are urging the NFL to loosen its rules on cannabis use. Apparently, medical marijuana may be the key to preventing the sport's "eventual extinction."

Football enthusiasts are soaking up the thrills and highs of Super Bowl 50, but sobering news of former football stars falling to the deadly pits of a certain neurodegenerative disease are making headlines around the globe.

The List Goes On And On

Prominent football players such as late Oakland Raiders quarterback Ken Stabler, Miami Dolphins QB Earl Morrall, New York Giants' Frank Gifford, and linebacker Junior Seau had all been diagnosed with chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) when they were still alive.


What’s the cheapest place to buy legal marijuana?

Oregonians can consume legal weed without emptying their wallets.

The Beaver State is home to the lowest average price of dispensary cannabis at $214 an ounce, according to an analysis by Perfect Price, a company that tracks the prices of a variety of goods including groceries, cleaning supplies and cannabis. The company looked at menu prices for cannabis flowers from about 6,000 dispensaries in six states with more than 200 dispensaries: Oregon, Colorado, Washington, Arizona, California and Michigan.


The Netherlands: Cannabis 40 Years Later

In 1976, the government of the Netherlands formally adopted a written policy allowing for the sale, possession and consumption of personal amounts of cannabis to the general public. Since then, the nation’s world-famous coffeeshops have supplied cannabis to millions of customers from destinations all over the world. Cannabis remains technically illegal, but it is tolerated for customers to purchase up to five grams per day.

This year marks the 40th anniversary since the Netherlands adopted their landmark change in legislation. What has changed in that time? Has the approach generally been seen as a success or a failure, and is the country now moving closer to, or further away from, full legalization of cannabis? PRØHBTD aimed to find out.


Sister Kate: We’re better off removing the ‘canna-bans’

By legalizing cannabis, we allow law enforcement to fulfill its obligations to all citizens. By banning cannabis, the lawmakers ensure that industry participants are not provided with the same protection that other citizens receive.

It’s been two weeks since the cannabis ban was reaffirmed by the Merced City Council and the Sisters are about to shine a great big dual-beamed light on the Central Valley of California. One beam comes from Los Angeles, the other from London. The lights that will shine upon the Valley are going to be bright. If we are lucky, they will chase away the cockroaches of old paradigm.

These lights are actually a documentary series that (God willing) will be aired on both sides of the Atlantic.


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