Recreational Marijuana News


New effort to let Denver voters decide pot use in some public places

Local chapter of NORML says it's drafting a measure to allow "limited social use" of marijuana in the city

A newly formed local chapter of pro-marijuana group NORML says it plans to revive a social cannabis use ballot effort that other advocates dropped last summer.


Japan: Kyoto confectioner selling hemp-infused Buddha head chocolates

TOKYO — If you’ve got such a powerful sweet tooth that you worship chocolate, these might be just the treats for you.

Being located in Kyoto, Japan’s center of traditional culture, you might imagine chocolate specialist Cacao Magic’s offerings to have an elegant air to them. You’d be right, too, as the confectioner’s sweets are designed to be a treat for the eyes as well as the palate.

You may also expect Cacao Magic to produce some uniquely Japanese chocolates, and again you’d be right. While most of its candies take the orthodox forms of hearts, squares, and discs, you’ll also find something called the “amasumi butsuda” in the product lineup. “Butsuda” means “head of the Buddha,” and that’s exactly what they look like, as you can see in the photo above.


First Look at the Smokin' Gun, Colorado's Next Major Marijuana Tourist Attraction

The forty-foot-high Willie Nelson statue has yet to appear on the edge of Colorado Boulevard — but that could only be a matter of time.

Because otherwise, the construction crew is putting the finishing touches on what promises to soon become one of metro Denver’s top tourist attractions: The Smokin’ Gun.

Yes, it’s a recreational marijuana store — but not just any recreational marijuana store.

For starters, this store is in Glendale, which means it can stay open until midnight — unlike Denver pot shops just across the street, which must close at 7 p.m.


Chandler Jones episode shows NFL policy on marijuana makes no sense

NFL players are banned from taking medical marijuana – so instead they’re taking a harmful synthetic version. It could be the league’s next big headache

The mood around Foxboro, Massachusetts improved significantly last weekend, thanks to the New England Patriots regaining their home dominance. The Pats beat the Kansas City Chiefs 27-20 to ensure a fifth consecutive trip to their conference’s championship game, a remarkable feat matched only in NFL history by the 1973-77 Oakland Raiders. The scoreline flattered the visitors: Tom Brady and his offense shook off any concerns and coach Bill Belichick conducted another display of defensive wizardry.


Copenhagen, Denmark: A social experiment

Christiania is a hippie idyll in the heart of Denmark’s prim and proper capital

A strong whiff of marijuana hits us as we walk by the lake shore on a sunny afternoon. We are strictly told not to talk on our mobile phones, to hide our cameras and to not run as we enter the locality. The intimidating instructions are the least of my concerns when I see people in black masks selling cannabis on Pusher Street.


Big Changes Come To Oregon's Cannabis Industry This Year


Oregon’s recreational marijuana industry hit a milestone this month.

About 90 days into the legal sale of recreational marijuana, Jan. 4 marked the first time people could officially apply for licenses to operate recreational businesses in Oregon. And more changes are on the way.

By the end of the year, Oregon’s cannabis industry will look a lot different from what we currently have.

When will new recreational retail marijuana stores be open?

Although the state is accepting business license applications, the Oregon Liquor Control Commission — which will oversee the state’s recreational marijuana business solely starting in January 2017 — doesn’t plan to approve any of the retail store applications until at least the fourth quarter of 2016.


Watch: Should Colorado legalize marijuana events?

Colorado regularly hosts big marijuana-themed events, but it remains illegal to sell pot in any location other than a licensed store.

One state lawmaker hopes to change that by creating a new kind of license to allow pot to be lawfully sold (and possibly consumed) on-site at special events only open to people over the age of 21.

“Amendment 64 asked us to regulate marijuana like alcohol,” said bill sponsor Rep. Dominick Moreno (D-Commerce City.) “The bill creates the exact same special use permit process that we already have for alcohol.”


Rhode Island and Vermont Teenage Marijuana Use Exceeds Colorado Over Past 5 Years

Prohibition propagandists like the Joker to my Batman, Kevin Sabet of Project SAMUEL (Smart Approaches to Marijuana Use… Except Legalization), are desperately crying out to the media for attention to this report from the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) that explains how Colorado youth aged 12-17 now exhibit the highest rate of monthly teen marijuana use, now at 12.56%.

That’s one-in-eight teenagers toking at least once per month.


The Largest legal cannabis plantation in Latin America is in Chile

Since last December, Chile has legislation permitting the production and sale of products derived from the hemp plant. (Photo: EFE)

Most legal plantations of cannabis in Latin America is neither in Uruguay nor in Mexico nor Peru, but in a rural area of southern 


Why Is Weed Called Weed?

When it comes to cannabis slang, "pot" may be the first word that comes to mind, but "weed" is older, edgier, and all-American. 

Weed originally meant the way of smoking cannabis, not the plant itself. The word first appeared as a synonym for "marijuana cigarette" around 1929, when more Americans started smoking "weed" as people looked for ways to feel uplifted at the twilight of The Roaring Twenties and the onset of The Great Depression.


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