Recreational Marijuana News


Colorado State Patrol to unveil new marijuana testing program

DENVER -- The Colorado State Patrol will unveil its new marijuana testing program on Tuesday.

It's designed to to find the best way to discover if motorists are driving high. The CSP is testing five devices that will be able to detect pot in someone's system.

One of the devices will check saliva for marijuana and other drugs. The CSP has trained 125 troopers in the new technology.

The state's Attorney General's Office has paid about $250,000 to buy the devices and every CSP field office will have at least one.

State lawmakers have set the legal limit of 5 nanograms of THC in the blood system. The goal is to get an accurate reading from drivers.


Marijuana Photos on Instagram Could Cost You Big

Instagram users who post pictures of themselves smoking marijuana could unknowingly be getting themselves into a lot of trouble.


Here's How Hollywood's Elite Get Their Weed

Forget waiting for that shady dude perpetually claiming he'll "be there in five." Online services linking patients with cannabis-friendly doctors are the future. The rise of telemedicine has made cannabis accessible to everyone - even those who loathe the hassle of lining up at dispensaries or sealing grey-market deals.

One of the biggest players in the nascent online-delivery game? California's SpeedWeed.


Denver NORML Announces Marijuana Lounge Initiative

This past Friday, Denver NORML announced a new effort to enact a municipal voter initiative this year in Denver to legalize the social use of marijuana in certain venues within the city. The initiative will be known as “Responsible Use Denver,” and will seek to legalize private marijuana clubs for those 21 and up, as well as protect businesses that permit responsible adult marijuana use.

There are a number of important fixes needed to the initial legalization laws, but none impact more smokers than the current ban on marijuana smoking outside a private home.


This Latest Marijuana Study Could Blaze a Trail for Legalization

Researchers from the U.K. make an interesting find when it comes to the correlation between adolescent marijuana use and IQ score

The year may have only just begun, but 2016 is shaping up to arguably be the most important in marijuana's history.


Women and weed: the gender differences in cannabis use and abuse

Naomi* smokes a couple of bongs in the morning after her two-year-old son has been fed and clothed. Once he is asleep at night, she smokes about 20 more. 

The 29-year-old says she wakes up feeling fresh the next day. She pays her bills, sticks to a routine and never smokes in front of her son.

With cannabis, "everything is that little bit more pleasant," Naomi says. But without it, her body begins to shake and anxiety takes over. "I couldn't ever imagine anything worse than going without marijuana," she says.


Remember Nicotine Patches? Well Now You Can Get The Marijuana Version

Today’s smokers are always inventive, finding more and more ways to administer the ever lovable cannabis. 

At the Stoner’s Cookbook, we’ve tried them all, ranging from the traditional methods of smoking straight flower, to the highly condensed power hits of concentrated hash, dabs, rosin and shatter, and the humming body highs of dosing edible gummy bears, chocolates, cookies, and succulent candies. Yet this time, and as always, we wanted more… So we set out on a mission to find the newest and healthiest alternative to smoking the glorious goods.


Cannabis vaping teen 'recovering well' in hospital

A teenager who was hospitalised after inhaling cannabis oil she bought online is "recovering well".

The 18-year-old was taken to Gloucestershire Royal Hospital on Friday.

Police said she became seriously ill after she bought a product containing oil derived from cannabis plants which can be inhaled through a vaporizer.

Officers believe she may have had a "severe reaction" to the product which contained Cannabidiol.

A spokesperson for Gloucestershire Constabulary said they were "very happy that the outcome for this young woman appears to be good" and reiterated their advice "never to buy or use any kind of drug obtained online".


Cannabis legalization in Canada is about much more than the plant

There is an ugly trend that exists in society today, and it is affecting all of us. Revenue from natural resources, industry, agriculture, and more, is increasingly being leveraged away from the average Canadian and into the bank accounts of the wealthiest among us.


Our legislators must now decide if they will take the multi-billion dollar cannabis industry in the same direction, or if they will allow entrepreneurship and a world-renowned industry to continue growing and maturing, as it has been doing for decades.

Under Canada’s Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations—created by the former Conservative government—15 of 27 producer licences (56 percent) have been awarded to business based in Ontario. This is a radical reshaping of the industry.



Georgia bill would make marijuana possession a misdemeanor


SAVANNAH, Ga. (WJCL) – State Sen. Harold Jones II, D – Augusta, filed a bill this week that would make possession of marijuana a misdemeanor regardless of the amount.

Senate Bill 254 says that all possession of marijuana offenses will be treated as a misdemeanor. The punishment would be a maximum fine of $1,000, and a maximum term of one year in jail.

Sen. Jones says he thinks the current law is too harsh.

"There's so many rights that you lose, so many opportunities you lose on,” Jones said. “Of course you can lose the right to vote, the other thing, if you're in college, you could lose potential scholarships.”


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