Recreational Marijuana News


Ontario public health unit issues resolution on legalizing marijuana

An Ontario public health unit is getting ahead of federal promises to legalize marijuana by issuing resolutions on how to regulate the drug. 

Officials from the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit outlined their concerns in a report last week. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made it a campaign promise to legalize the drug. Former Toronto police chief, turned Liberal M-P Bill Blair is leading an investigation into what regulations might be adopted.

"From a public health perspective, if we can't get rid of something, let's look at how we can use it safely," said Dr. Wajid Ahmed, the health unit's associate officer of health.  


Marijuana in Montreal: Student advocate talks about impact on youth

Gonzo Nieto, the co-chairman of the grassroots organization Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy (CSSDP), believes marijuana will be less accessible to minors once it's regulated.

CBC Daybreak spoke to Nieto about the impact of legal cannabis on youth as part of its series, Montreal 420.

Here are some of the key points Nieto addressed in the interview. Nieto's responses have been edited, for clarity.

On availability and use by youth

Michael Wileniec medical marijuana


DC Residents Strongly Support Moving Forward with Regulation of Marijuana in the District

Findings Come on the Cusp of Initiative 71 Implementation Anniversary and Amid Heated Council Debate on Prohibiting Social Consumption of Marijuana 

Majority Oppose Congressional Interference with DC Law, View Marijuana Reform as a Statehood Issue, Believe Mayor Bowser Should Move to Tax & Regulate Marijuana, Support Regulated Venues for Social Consumption


D.C. Cannabis Laws Regress Under Social Use Ban

On Wednesday, it only took five minutes for the District of Columbia’s Judiciary Committee to be overpowered by the vote of the Chairman, Phil Mendelson (D), to move forward a bill to permanently ban the social use of cannabis in the District.

This means B21-0701, the “Marijuana Decriminalization Possession Clarification Amendment Act of 2016” will be scheduled for a second reading at another legislative meeting, as outlined in the legislation process on

The D.C. Judiciary Committee voted to table the measure (3 – 2) but with the ‘yes’ vote from the Chairman of the Full Committee who was sitting in for Councilmember LaRuby May (D-Ward 8), the vote tipped in favor of passing the bill.


Legal marijuana could be a $10 billion industry in Canada

Legal marijuana could soon be a major revenue stream for Canada.

A new report by CIBC World Markets says legalizing marijuana in Canada could create a $10 billion annual industry, as reported by Global News.

Using Colorado’s legalization experience as a financial model, economists say Canada’s marijuana market could become much larger than earlier predictions of $3 billion annually.


'Canada's largest' pot vaping lounge opens in Windsor for medical marijuana users

The people behind the new vaping lounge in downtown Windsor say it’s not just about providing a place for medical marijuana users to toke up — it’s about clearing the air when it comes to pot.

“We have medical users who are being discriminated against, who have stigmas lingering over them,” said Jon Liedtke, co-owner of Higher Limits.

“It’s not necessary. Quite frankly, it’s inappropriate in the year 2016 … It’s easy to joke about cannabis. But would you joke about someone who needs to use insulin?”

The 6,000-square-foot lounge — formerly Venue Music Hall — is billed as Windsor’s first cannabis vapour lounge and the largest of its kind in Canada.

If the police want to come in, the doors are open. We’re in no position to stop them.


Native American church sues postal service over seizure of 'sacramental' marijuana

Leaders of a Native American church have sued the U.S. Postal Service in federal court after the government seized marijuana that church leaders say was intended for religious use by a member in Ohio.

Leaders of the Utah-based Oklehueha Native American Church said the federal government violated their right to religious freedom when authorities seized marijuana intended for use as part of "Native American spiritual healing practices" by a member who suffers from cancer.

Joy Graves leads a Cottage Grove branch of the church. Graves and James Mooney, the church's spiritual leader, are listed as plaintiffs in the suit, filed this month in U.S. District Court in Portland.


More Support For Marijuana Than Music

The cover art for Peter Tosh's 1976 Legalise It album, with the Stepping Razor smoking a chalice in a marijuana field, was a strong statement of rebellion. Now, the way things are shaping up with the moves to commercialise marijuana in Jamaica, it may just turn out to be the picturesque epitome of a sick joke on the social class which has most strongly advocated for and sustained the production of marijuana and music in this country.


The Ultimate 420 Experience Takes Cannabis Tourism to New Heights

The Marijuana Times and partner 420 Tours have collaborated and put together the trip of a lifetime for one contest winner and three of their friends. Dubbed “The Ultimate 420 Experience,” the group plans to award an all-inclusive experience offered nowhere else. To Enter to Win and Learn More go to this link – The Ultimate 420 Experience

“We really wanted to take this to the next level.” says, Nick Phillips of The Marijuana Times.


The itinerary is scheduled as follows:


The cannabis-growing nuns fighting to legalise weed

A group of nuns are fighting to keep to keep weed legal in California. The Sisters of the Valley are based in California’s Central valley, and manufacture weed-based products they sell on their Etsy store. It’s worth pointing out that their products won’t get you high – they’re more like an alternative medicine.

The Sisters have got their habits in a twist because the city of Merced, where they live, last week passed a law banning medicinal weed. Although weed is legal in California, the Governor has given all cities in the state the opportunity to set their own cannabis legislation – and Merced has voted to ban the drug. 


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