Recreational Marijuana News


Ireland: Families back reform of drug laws

Eight out of 10 families, directly affected by drug addiction favour decriminalisation of drug possession, a survey indicates.

Some 80% of 200 members polled by the National Family Support Network (NFSN) backed the move.

Families from across the country attended the NFSN annual work conference last weekend.

They were asked: “Do you support the decriminalisation of drug use?” Of the 197 who answered, 81% said yes, 16% said no, and 4% responded “don’t know”.

NFSN co-ordinator Sadie Grace said: “80.7% of attendees at the NFSN annual work conference who participated in our poll supported the decriminalisation of drugs.


Future could be bright for marijuana dispensaries

Experts are mulling over the future of medical marijuana dispensaries.

Dispensaries, designed to help people gain access to medical marijuana more easily, have been controversial in many parts of the country.

On Thursday, Saskatoon Police arrested four people connected to the Saskatchewan Compassion Club, charging them with drug trafficking.

Since the incoming Liberal government has promised to legalize and regulate the recreational use of marijuana, the question of how the new government will handle dispensaries has become top of mind.


Marijuana in Ohio: Good or bad?

We've heard a lot about the economic impact Issue 3 promises, along with the medical benefits many believe marijuana possesses, but there are many who still aren't sold on it and doubt its potential benefits are enough to justify legalization.

There have been promises of millions in revenue that will do everything from fund fire departments to filling potholes. The other side says it's the promises that are full of holes, starting with job creation and the monopoly Issue 3 would create for marijuana growers.


Legal high seizures: Men suffer fits after taking Spice drug 100-times strength of cannabis

Three men have been hospitalised in London after they took the legal high known as "Spice" that can be up to 100 times more potent than cannabis. Two of the men in Peckham, south London, had seizures after they allegedly took the drug. A third man is in a critical condition.

Officers would like to hear from anyone who may have been offered the drug and would advise anyone who has taken it to seek medical attention.

Met Police officers were called to Staffordshire Street at 9:40pm on Thursday (29 October) to reports of a man believed to be having a fit. He informed officers that he had taken the drug after being offered it for free on the street. The man, who is aged in his late 20s, was taken by the London Ambulance Service (LAS) to a south London hospital.


Mexican families hoping for medicinal marijuana watch court

MONTERREY, Mexico (AP) — As Mexico's top court prepares to consider arguments that could open the door to the recreational use of marijuana, some families are hoping such a step could help make medicinal marijuana more accessible.

The parents of 8-year-old Graciela Elizalde of Monterrey have already seen a difference in their daughter since she began taking a marijuana extract recently. A federal judge gave them permission to import the marijuana oil.


Colorado asks voters to reshuffle spending of new pot taxes

DENVER (AP) — The only statewide ballot question in Colorado next week seems like a no-brainer: Should the state keep $66 million in marijuana taxes it has already collected to spend on schools and drug-abuse prevention?

The measure arose from an accounting error two years ago, when the taxes were first approved. And it has broad support, from Democrats, Republicans, the marijuana industry and nearly every newspaper in the state.


Canada's Green Rush: An Interview with Jodie Emery, the "Pot Princess of Vancouver"

Canada’s Liberal Party victory for cannabis means that legalization is all but a sure thing. We sat down with Jodie Emery, known as the "Pot Princess of Vancouver," who runs Cannabis Culturewith her husband Mark, to discuss what the future holds for cannabis in Canada, as well as what’s in store for Cannabis Culture.


What you need to know before voting on legal marijuana

In this Tuesday, July 1, 2014, file photo, owner Bob Leeds inspects small "clone" marijuana plants growing under lights at Sea of Green Farms, a recreational pot grower and processor in Seattle. A ballot proposal before Ohio voters this fall would be the first in the Midwest to take marijuana use and sales from illegal to legal for both personal and medical use in a single vote. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren, File)

For a more in-depth look at State Issue 3, watch WKBN 27 First News This Morning starting at 5 a.m. and First News starting at 5 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 2.


Participants sought for N.D. industrial hemp program

The U.S. farm bill wants to make it easier for farmers to grow industrial hemp. The North Dakota Department of Agriculture wants that, too.

The state ag deparment announced on Tuesday that it's seeking participants for an industrial hemp pilot program.

“Industrial hemp may only be grown in North Dakota through the North Dakota Department of Agriculture’s pilot program or by institutions of higher education,” state Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring says in a news release.


Legalising cannabis puts us on the moral high ground

Cannabis is now widely used and we need to look at it differently


Now that the joints served up for the Sunday lunch may be as dangerous as the ones smoked by Bob Marley, is it not time we looked at the legalisation of cannabis?

When sausages are now classed as lethal as cigarettes when it comes to causing cancer, what possible justification can there be for banning hash?

While cannabis may once have been the preserve of hippies or those considered on the margins of society, it is now the most widely-used illegal drug of the current generation.


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