Recreational Marijuana News


Colorado breaks marijuana sales record

August was a record-breaking month for the marijuana industry in Colorado. It was the first time sales broke $100 million in one month.

In August, $59.2 million was made from recreational sales and $41.4 million was made from medical marijuana, according to sales data from the Colorado Department of Revenue.

The state collected $13 million in taxes, licenses and fees on marijuana in August, 70 percent more than August 2014.

Click here to see tax data from the Colorado Department of Revenue.


Legalising cannabis in the UK could raise ÂŁ900 million a year in taxes

Just days after former Liberal Democrats leader Nick Clegg called for a global drugs policy reform, a Labour MP has said the war on drugs has been a "disaster" and believes cannabis should be legal in the UK.

Paul Flynn wrote an article for the Mirror saying prohibition of the drug has only madder matters worse in Britain in terms of drug use and criminality.


Cannabis: healthy benefit or deadly threat?

With MPs set to debate removing the ban, Damien Gayle looks at how the public’s view of cannabis has evolved

When the first controls on cannabis were introduced in the UK, few people had ever heard of it. Occasionally a foreign visitor would be arrested with hashish – but only because it was mistaken for the much more notorious opium.

Apart from the odd tabloid scare, few saw cannabis as a serious threat. The Home Office resisted calls to ban it, while one government official dismissed it as a curiosity, “occasionally taken as an experiment by persons interested in oriental vices”.


Lawsuit expected if voters approve marijuana, anti-monopoly issues

MONOPOLY: Issue 3 would create a monopoly in the Ohio Constitution for growing, cultivating and extracting marijuana.

In November, Ohio voters will get the chance to approve a constitutional amendment legalizing marijuana for recreational and medicinal purposes.

They’ll also vote on a constitutional amendment prohibiting monopolies.

Seems like a couple of issues best left to voters, right?

Problem is, the amendments conflict: One creates a private marijuana monopoly; the other prohibits such monopolies.

So, if voters approve both, lawsuits are sure to ensue, and the courts — not the people — will decide which goes into effect.


Marijuana has an affect in the gym

Marijuana use can hinder muscle growth, quicken fatigue time and decreases reaction time.

Whether you’re weight lifting or marathon-style running, smoking marijuana changes the game a bit. And with marijuana becoming legal in Oregon recently, it seems appropriate to share a little information on how cannabis affects your exercise endeavors.

On a microscopic level, our bodies work similar to a lock and key mechanism. The keys, or compounds, float around in the blood until they meet their specific lock, or receptor, which is usually anchored to a specific body part. When they meet, the receptor “unlocks” and triggers something to happen inside our body.


Clock ticking on 'expedited' medical-marijuana bill's impact

As 2016 nears, inaction on an emergency medical-marijuana bill the State Legislature approved in June is close to rendering the measure irrelevant.

The bill calls for “expedited access to medical marijuana in certain cases where a patient’s condition is progressive and degenerative.” Supporters said it was necessary because some patients couldn’t wait until January — when the five state-sanctioned medical-marijuana facilities are supposed to be up and running.

Four months later, the bill still hasn’t been sent to Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo for signature or veto. Sen. Diane Savino (D-Staten Island), a medical-marijuana champion, opposed the “emergency access” bill saying, in part, it was favored by some who wanted to legalize recreational cannabis.


Who Benefits From California's New Medical Marijuana Laws?

Gov. Jerry Brown signed a series of bills last week to finally regulate the medical marijuana industry decades after California first legalized cannabis for medical use and the major players are all claiming victory.

Environmentalists, business groups, pot farmers, local governments and consumer groups are all claiming benefits from the passage of three laws that regulate the sale, transport, and growth of medical marijuana.

Brown and state lawmakers crafted the regulations to help manage California’s unregulated billion-dollar medical marijuana industry, according to the LA Times.


Marijuana is legal in Oregon, but consumer rights still an issue

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Pot is big business. In just a week, Oregon retailers sold more than $11 million of marijuana, and on Saturday hundreds flocked to the Oregon Hemp Convention to find out more.

The issue of legal, safe access for those who want to sell and use marijuana was one of the main topics. Russ Belville of Portland NORML said one of the biggest concerns in the state is the rights of consumers and the disparity in availability between the east and west sides of the state.

In Portland, there are at least 100 regulated outlets to legally buy pot. But customers who live in Ontario, Oregon are at least 4 hours away from a legal shop.


State: Can we please keep cash from pot tax?

It’s a question worth either $66 million or about $7, depending on the way you look at it: Should the state be allowed to keep marijuana taxes?

Proposition BB, the only statewide ballot initiative to be decided Nov. 3, asks voters to let the state keep the $66 million in marijuana taxes. According to the state, it would spend about $40 million of that on school construction. Another $12 million would go to various social programs, including marijuana education and prevention, bullying and drop-out prevention programs and youth mentoring services.


Feral pig eating cannabis leads Queensland police to charge man with drug production

A discovery of a feral pig munching on a cannabis plant has led police to arrest a man allegedly growing the drug on Queensland's Darling Downs.

Police said they were called to a property at Meringandan West, north Toowoomba, last Wednesday to investigate a disturbance.

There, they said they discovered the feral pig chewing leafy green material, which turned out to be cannabis.

Due to the size of the pig, officers did not try to seize the plants.

A 1.6-metre-tall plant and 140 grams of the drug were eventually recovered, police said.

A 44-year-old man will appear in the Oakey Magistrates Court later this month charged with drug production and possession.


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