Recreational Marijuana News


Basic Answers On Rapid Plans Of Legalize Marijuana

MORE Illinois State Senate passes bill decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana, making possession of up to 15 grams a civil law violation without jail time; bill is awaiting signature of Republican Gov Bruce Rauner. A state activist has filed the explanation for a medical marijuana initiative with the state attorney general’s office. Marijuana Legalization … There, he spends his time and becomes friends with many other delinquents. Marijuana is the most popular and easily accessible illegal drug in the United States today.


New Toledo ordinance in question as state mulls marijuana issue


If voters across Ohio next month approve a proposal to ease criminal sanctions on marijuana, the law’s changes would fall short of a recently enacted and legally challenged Toledo ordinance.

The amendment to the Ohio Constitution would allow a resident of at least 21 years old to possess up to an ounce of marijuana for recreational use and grow up to 8 ounces of the drug if licensed by the state. Retail sale of recreational marijuana also would begin.

On Sept. 15, Toledo voters supported reducing penalties in the Toledo Municipal Code to no fines or jail time for marijuana-related offenses. The law went into effect a week ago.


Gov Brown Signs Historic Bills to Regulate California's Medical Marijuana Industry

Nearly 20 years ago, California led the nation in legalizing cannabis for medical use with the enactment of the Compassionate Use Act (Proposition 215). However, the Act offered little guidance on how patients should obtain medical cannabis or how the industry should be monitored. This uncertainty has created a hodgepodge of local rules and ordinances and some very disturbing environmental and safety issues, but that’s all about to change.


Colorado Springs City Council set for final vote on marijuana club moratorium

The Colorado Springs City Council is pushing to enact a six-month moratorium on new marijuana consumption clubs, and will issue a final vote on Tuesday.

Amendment 64, which state voters passed in November 2012, legalized recreational marijuana use and sales. Although Colorado Springs voters approved Amendment 64 by 4,947 votes, the City Council voted 5-4 in 2013 to ban the sale of recreational marijuana in the city.

On Sept. 22, the City Council voted 8-1 to impose the moratorium on cannabis social clubs, which allow customers to use marijuana on the premises - similar to drinking alcohol at a bar. Councilwoman Helen Collins cast the dissenting vote.


A 'runner's high' is like marijuana, new study says

A new study indicates that a runner's high is pretty much just like toking up.

The feeling of a “runner’s high” after a strenuous physical workout is surprisingly similar to the experience of smoking marijuana, a new study has found.


4 Surprising Health Benefits of Juicing Raw Marijuana

Did you know that marijuana is a vegetable? Yup – it’s true.

The marijuana plant’s leaves and buds are actually loaded with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer compounds. These compounds are known as cannabidiols (CBD) and they make marijuana, cannabis, or whatever you want to call it, a superfood.

Yup – it’s true.

Don’t Get Dazed And Confused

But when heated, all of that goodness evaporates – it goes up in smoke and is blown away. Instead, be blown away by the health benefits of juicing the raw marijuana plant.


Governor Brown Signs Bills Regulating Medical Marijuana Industry

Governor Jerry Brown signed three bills on Friday that mark the state's first move towards regulating the medical marijuana industry.

In signing AB 243, AB 266, and SB 643, the governor marked the establishing of "a long-overdue comprehensive regulatory framework for the production, transportation, and sale of medical marijuana," Brown said in his statement on what is being called Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act.


Why Runner's High Can Cause Weed-Like Effects

That may not be quite true. All this seems to suggest that cannabinoids and not, in fact, endorphins are responsible for the runner’s high as reported in PNAS.

Endocannabinoids are produced naturally in our bodies, but it’s also one of the containing molecules in cannabis, or marijuana. The endocannabinoid system is also responsible for moderating the psychoactive, feel-good effects of marijuana, the New York Times reports.

Scientists went on to the next stage during which they isolated endorphins to determine the effects of endocannabinoids.


NJWeedman’s Passing the Joint: Do #blacklivesmatter in the Marijuana Legalization Movement?

I’m black, so obviously I support this concept that my life matters too. I also grew up in the suburbs of South Jersey, in a two-parent middle class home, believing that I was equal to my suburban white counterparts. I never thought I’d go to prison, especially not for marijuana.

I officially entered the marijuana legalization movement on November 24, 1997. On that morning I was arrested in Bellmawr, NJ, by the Camden County drug task force for possession of marijuana with intent to distribute when a 40-pound package was delivered by Fed-Ex. Many activists start their activism in handcuffs; I was no different — my activism started in earnest after I was arrested. That cold steel around your wrists for marijuana makes people want to change sh*t.


California Enacts New Rules on Medical Marijuana, Growers Pretty Cool With It

California has implemented a series of regulations aimed at one of the state's booming agricultural products—medical marijuana—and far from balking at government interference, producers seem pleased that lawmakers are ready to treat them as a real industry.

The Los Angeles Times reports that three bills, creating a system of oversight for the production of marijuana for medical purposes, were signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown on Friday:


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