Recreational Marijuana News


Silk Road Creator Ross Ulbricht Appeals Life Sentence

Last Friday, convicted Silk Road mastermind Ross Ulbricht was sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison for running the online drug marketplace that made more than $200 million in sales. Now, Ulbricht’s defense is putting up one last fight to prevent that from happening.

On Thursday, the defense filed an appeal for both the life sentence and the original conviction to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.


Behind The Scenes: NBC Dateline’s Medical Marijuana Documentary, Growing Hope

With the increase of medical marijuana legalization around the country, traditional media has begun playing a more critical role in sharing the success stories of patients across the country. Since Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s first special covering cannabis almost two years ago, we’ve seen a tremendous amount of coverage from major networks including reality shows from National Geographic and a look into the “green rush” from CNBC.


This Cannabis Supper Club Wants You to Roll Rice Paper Joints

In the week when the UK government announced plans to ban poppers and laughing gas, a weed supperclub was announced in London.

Was this to incite people to spark up and to to make a stand against draconian laws for minor drug use via the popular food scene? Well, no, actually. It’s just a chance to create interesting dishes themed around the notion of getting stoned.


Poll shows AZ voters approve recreational marijuana, medical research

The latest Rocky Mountain Poll shows slightly more than half of Arizona voters favor legalizing marijuana for recreational use, and 80 percent support its use for research.

It's a controversial drug that one local doctor says has been labeled "schedule one" for no reason. Marijuana has been deemed medically useless without any scientific evidence.

The latest Rocky Mountain Poll, released Wednesday, shows slightly more than half of Arizona voters favor legalizing marijuana for recreational use.

The same study show an 83 percent supports to allow Arizona's universities to conduct medical research on marijuana in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.


Lawmakers have high hopes for cannabis decriminalization

Joint left-right support for rehashed bill makes green light likelier than ever for recreational use

Don’t expect it to be hitting the shelves just yet, but newly proposed legislation could see Israel decriminalize cannabis for recreational use.

Under the move spearheaded by freshman MK Yinon Magal (Jewish Home party), the plant would be legal for private use, with individuals allowed to keep small amounts of cannabis and derivative products in their homes.

Similar bills have been shot down in the past, but legalization activists have high hopes this time, after a group of eight Knesset members from across the political spectrum indicated they would support the budding proposal.


This Is How Bob Marley's Pot Brand Is Trailblazing the Cannabis Industry

Bob Marley and cannabis are almost synonymous — in some places, "Bob Marley" is the street name for pot. So, it was almost an inevitability these two would one day be formally united. That day came in November 2014 when Marley's family and private equity firm Privateer Holdings announced the creation of Marley Natural, the world's first international cannabis brand.


Smoking weed has halved in the UK

Despite sweeping legalisation and decriminalisation of the drug in the US and a nascent sense of 'why aren't we recognising that it's fairly harmless' circulating amongst rational human beings following a string of enlightening studies, use of marijuana is falling in the UK.


California legislation would create Office of Marijuana Regulation

A bill that advanced in the State Assembly would create a regulating body – the Office of Marijuana Regulation – to oversee California's medical marijuana industry.

SACRAMENTO – California took the first step Thursday to regulate its nearly 20-year-old medical marijuana industry, one that lawmakers said currently resembles something out of the “wild, wild West.”

AB266 merges what were two competing bills and attempts to set up state regulations that will pass muster with the federal Department of Justice.


CBD vs THC: Stop Brainwashing and Start Cannabis Education

With the sweeping tide of cannabis legalization and decriminalization sweeping North America, and with a similar tide expected to sweep South America and continental Europe in the next few years, now is an ideal time to teach the public about THC and CBD. The days of so-called “educational” campaigns which consisted of nothing more than scaremongering and lying needs to come to an end. Kids see right through it. Instead we need to acknowledge a few things….

1) We Know More About Cannabis Than Previous Generations


Congress Protects Medical Marijuana Businesses From Feds, But Not Rec Shops

Congress voted on two amendments to a Department of Justice spending bill Wednesday that would protect marijuana businesses in states where they're legal, but only one of them passed.

Introduced by Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and Democratic Congressman Sam Farr, both of California, the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment will prohibit federal funding for the Department of Justice's prevention of state-implemented medical marijuana programs. The bipartisan amendment also passed in 2014 but was set to expire in September and needed re-approval to prevail, which it gained by a 242-186 vote.


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