

Marijuana in Ohio: Good or bad?

We've heard a lot about the economic impact Issue 3 promises, along with the medical benefits many believe marijuana possesses, but there are many who still aren't sold on it and doubt its potential benefits are enough to justify legalization.

There have been promises of millions in revenue that will do everything from fund fire departments to filling potholes. The other side says it's the promises that are full of holes, starting with job creation and the monopoly Issue 3 would create for marijuana growers.


What you need to know before voting on legal marijuana

In this Tuesday, July 1, 2014, file photo, owner Bob Leeds inspects small "clone" marijuana plants growing under lights at Sea of Green Farms, a recreational pot grower and processor in Seattle. A ballot proposal before Ohio voters this fall would be the first in the Midwest to take marijuana use and sales from illegal to legal for both personal and medical use in a single vote. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren, File)

For a more in-depth look at State Issue 3, watch WKBN 27 First News This Morning starting at 5 a.m. and First News starting at 5 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 2.


Why Antiprohibitionists Are Ambivalent About Ohio's Marijuana Legalization Initiative

Next Tuesday voters in Ohio will decide whether to legalize marijuana. If Issue 3 passes and if another constitutional amendment aimed at overriding it does not, Ohio will be the first state to leap from complete pot prohibition to legalization for both medical and recreational use. It will also be the most populous state and the first state east of the Great Plains to legalize marijuana. A legalization victory in Ohio, a bellwether in presidential elections, could have a big impact on politicians’ willingness to deviate from prohibitionist orthodoxy and on voters’ willingness to supportnext year’s crop of marijuana initiatives in other states.


Citizens for Responsible Media Comments About Recent Marijuana Data From Colorado

Recent Data Says Marijuana Use in Colorado Has Caused Lots of Hospitalizations – Company Says Ohio Could Follow The Same Path

Powell, Ohio (PRWEB) October 29, 2015


How the marijuana legalization movement went corporate


xt week, Ohio voters will cast ballots on the Responsible Ohio marijuana legalization initiative. If it passes, the initiative will be historic not only for removing the prohibition against recreational marijuana use in the Buckeye State, but also for advancing the control of corporate interests over what was once an entirely grassroots movement to legalize pot.


Ohio lawmaker says legislature must act on medical marijuana

Legalizing marijuana Issue 3 would legalize recreational and medical marijuana in Ohio. Click here for more information about the proposal. And click here for an updated list of supporters and opponents.

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The state lawmaker leading the charge against Issue 3 said Wednesday the legislature will act on the issue of medical marijuana if the marijuana legalization measure fails on Election Day.


Issue 3 foes warn legalizing marijuana would endanger children

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A pair of health professionals warned Wednesday that if Ohioans approve Issue 3 in next week's election and legalize marijuana, it could pose serious harm to children, from pre-K age through teen years.

Among their concerns: That legalizing marijuana will lead to greater exposure and experimentation by teens as they view it as something that is accepted and safe by society. And for preschoolers, the presence of marijuana products in households heightens chances that they could be ingested, perhaps leading to death.


Local groups lobby against Ohio pot amendment

Former state Reps. Matt Huffman (R-Lima) and Vern Sykes (D-Akron) told reporters during an afternoon press conference at the Statehouse Tuesday that proponents of Issue 1 have focused on spreading the word about the reform effort through the dozens of organizations that support the amendment. He denied the character is created to encourage children to use marijuana, and said, “we call it ‘Buddie’s 21-and-up club.'” He noted that 18-year-olds can vote and have an opinion on marijuana, even though they’d be barred from legal recreational use of marijuana until they’re 21.


The future Kingpin of Central Ohio’s cannabis is …a real estate developer?

Just who in the heck is Rick Kirk?
  If Issue 3 indeed becomes law, and you reside in Franklin County and a marijuana user, Kirk is going to be growing your legal green, selling you your legal green, and taking your monetary green.

  Kirk is one of the 20 primary investors aligned with ResponsibleOhio, the “AstroTurf” effort behind Issue 3. The Columbus-based strategy group has said it will spend at least $20 million to get the investor-backed constitutional amendment passed.


Just Days Before Election Day, Polls Are Very Close For Ohio Marijuana Legalization Initiative

It’s only 9 days until the 2015 election in Ohio. Marijuana legalization is on the ballot in Ohio, in a form that has not been seen before in marijuana politics. Parts of ResponsibleOhio’s marijuana initiative have created a lot of outcry from voters and specifically reformers. From what I have seen on social media and blogs, there is more support for the initiative than ever before. That’s certainly not to say that the initiative isn’t without it’s opposition from within the marijuana community, because there absolutely is. But it seems to be less prevalent than before, with many nationally known reformers expressing that they would ultimately vote for the initiative.


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