

Woman inside Buddie the marijuana mascot fired

ResponsibleOhio fired the actress who dressed up as Buddie the marijuana superhero shortly after she expressed safety concerns and suffered an off-the-job foot injury.

Ericka Buford, 26, a single mom who lives in Columbus, said she was dismissed on Oct. 14.

“I wasn’t treated fairly at all. They never gave me a reason behind letting me go. We had had a meeting where I had expressed some concerns, yes, but they informed me that everything would be OK and my job would still be intact, and everything would be fine,” Buford told the Dayton Daily News. “They next thing I know, I get a phone call, and they informed me, ‘We decided to go a different way.’”


Will Ohio Legalize Marijuana Next Month?

It’s now less than three weeks until Buckeye State voters head to the polls in an off-year election, and they make make Ohio the first Midwestern state to legalize marijuana. A poll this week that asked specifically if respondents supported the initiative on the ballot had 56% saying yes.


Poll Finds Ohio Voters Both Favor and Oppose Marijuana Legalization

Responsible OhioAccordiing to a recent survey commissioned by WKYC, the NBC station in Cleveland, most Ohio voters support Issue 3, an initiative on next month's ballot that would legalize marijuana for medical and recreational use. The same survey found that most voters also support Issue 2, an initiative aimed at nullifying Issue 3. In fact, most of the voters who favor Issue 2 said they favor Issue 3 as well.


Swing States: Super-Majorities Endorse Medical Cannabis

Super-majorities of voters believe that medical cannabis should be legal, and most men additionally support legalizing marijuana for all adults, according to the results of a Quinnipiac University Swing State poll.

Pollsters gauged support for marijuana law reform in Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

Florida voters backed legalizing cannabis therapy by a margin of 87 percent to 12 percent. A majority of male voters (57 percent) also supported broader legalization, while only 49 percent of women agreed.


As Expected Ohio Attorney General Sues Toledo Over Marijuana Decriminalization Law

In September Toledo, Ohio voters approved a marijuana decriminalization measure by a very wide margin. Even before the vote occurred, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine made it very clear that he would sue the City of Toledo if the measure passed. Mr. DeWine made good on that threat last week when he filed the lawsuit. So much for democracy, right? Per Cleveland.Com:

DeWine asked the Lucas County Court of Common Pleas to invalidate several portions of Toledo’s “Sensible Marihuana Ordinance” approved by voters last month because they contradict Ohio law.


Poll: Ohioans favor legalizing marijuana

KENT, Ohio -- With the marijuana battle landing on Ohio's ballot for the first time next month, a new poll conducted by WKYC and Kent State University shows 56 percent of the state's voters support allowing adults to possess small amounts of marijuana for personal use.

The results also show 32 percent are opposed with another 10 percent who don't know how they feel yet.

Kent State Criminologist Anthony Vander Horst participated in the poll and said if the results are true, they could lead to bigger problems.

He has been studying the impact of marijuana on Denver since it was legalized there. He found home prices have gone up, along with homelessness.

He said police have had a hard time enforcing drug intoxication laws.


Ohio marijuana legalization ballot issue would pass if election held today, Kent State poll finds

Legalizing marijuana Issue 3 would legalize recreational and medical marijuana in Ohio. Click here for more information about the proposal. And click here for an updated list of supporters and opponents.

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio's marijuana legalization issue and a conflicting measure would both pass if the election were held today, according to an independent poll released Tuesday.


Younger people will be using marijuana, Mike DeWine says regarding Issue 3

The marijuana debate in Ohio is garnering more attention after Ohio’s Attorney General Mike DeWine’s trip to Colorado.

DeWine said he took a three-day trip to Colorado about two weeks ago to speak with people directly affected by the legalization of marijuana in the state.

DeWine said he spoke with Colorado’s attorney general, the chief of Denver police and several doctors.

DeWine said he doesn’t want the current problems in Colorado to make their way to Ohio.

"The perceived risk is down and the availability of marijuana is dramatically up, and the end result is going to be younger children will be trying marijuana and more children will be using marijuana," DeWine said.



Ohio AG DeWine says trip to Colorado raises new marijuana concerns

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH)– Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine has returned to the state after a recent business trip to Colorado.  DeWine says he went to Colorado to learn about the consequences of marijuana legalization and how to implement the law if amendment three passes.

DeWine says law enforcement officers, medical professionals, and educators all told him the same thing.  He says, “The message was really clear. And that message was you guys are crazy if you bring this to Ohio. You guys are just crazy.”


Shame on Drug Reformers' Silence on 2015 Marijuana Legalization In Ohio

The Silence of the Lambs

You wouldn’t know it by reading the news or by viewing the webpages of major marijuana reform and medical marijuana groups, and if you did, some would offer no endorsement. But tomorrow, we are just three weeks away from residents of Ohio voting whether marijuana shall be legal for all adults to possess, use, cultivate, and process.


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