United States

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the US

This Spelman Alum Gave Up Coke For Cannabis

MJ Freeway executive, Jeannette Ward, talks the ultimate career transition.

Meet Jeannette Ward, former seven-year Coca Cola career climber, and also a graduate of HBCU Spelman College in Atlanta, who recently took the smart leap into the cannabis industry.

Ward serves as executive director (data and marketing) at MJ Freeway, the market leader in ‘seed to sell’ cannabis compliance software & professional consulting services.

BlackEnterprise.com caught up with Ward to find out why she gave up Coke for cannabis, and what she plans to get in return.

BlackEnterprise.com: How did you get involved in the cannabis industry? 


Anchorage's First Commercial Marijuana Grow Approved by Assembly

The Anchorage Assembly approved the city's first commercial marijuana grow Tuesday night, a significant step forward for the developing legal cannabis industry.

"This whole green revolution, it starts here tonight with the City of Anchorage," said Assemblyman Dick Traini who voted to approve the local marijuana license and special-use permit for Dream Green Farms and to refer the application for a second proposed commercial marijuana grow, Arctic Herbery, to an Assembly committee for additional review after a flurry of late-night debate.


5 Differences Between Medicinal and Recreational Cannabis

Differences More and more countries and US states are legalising cannabis for medicinal use. Some countries and states have also legalised recreational use. But what exactly is the difference between medicinal and recreational cannabis? Read about it in this article.

Sensi Seeds has promoted the medicinal properties of cannabis for years. Knowledge about this has, for various reasons, been pushed to the background, while medicinal cannabis was already used thousands of years ago. Fortunately, this natural medicine is currently making a glorious comeback.


Gary Johnson Needs Just 2 More Points in the Polls to Participate in Presidential Debates

Democrats and Republicans have their presidential candidates, but Libertarian Gary Johnson is hoping to give Americans another option.

This marijuana legalization supporting third party candidate is gaining momentum and only needs two more percentage points in the polls to clinch a spot in the presidential debates. Johnson would become the first third party candidate in the debates since Ross Perot in 1992.

Johnson, who was a businessman before entering politics, is a fiscal conservative who, as governor of New Mexico from 1995 to 2003, instituted a small government platform and campaigned for marijuana legalization.


Cannabix Technologies Develops Beta Version of Cannabix Marijuana Breathalyzer

Cannabix Marijuana Breathalyzer Is Being Developed to Give Law Enforcement and Employers the Ability to Test for Recent Consumption of the THC Component of Marijuana.


Marijuana Aids Sonoma County Alzheimer's Patients

Marijuana can make life better for some of the more than 5 million Americans afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease, but despite an encouraging new study, it remains a long shot as an antidote to the brain disorder that claims about 85,000 lives a year, experts say.

Some assisted-living facilities and physicians in Sonoma County are quietly administering medical marijuana to patients — with consent from legally responsible parties — for behavioral management, quelling aggression and agitation in people who are losing recognition of their surroundings.


Trump Tuesday: Michelle Obama's Skillful Takedown of Donald Trump

There is shade. And then, there are intricately constructed avenues of shade so dense that entire shadow-loving plants germinate, sprout and flourish at triple speed.

The latter is what Michelle Obama cast in the direction of Donald Trump on Monday night at the Democratic National Convention while reserving a special, at points emotional, type of praise for Hillary Clinton. Trump, an unnamed cartoon-character-like villain was referenced only indirectly as a kind of ego-driven, undisciplined potential president uninterested in both the rigors and goals of public service — a sharp and telling contrast to Clinton, according to Obama's speech.


Florida Completes First Home Delivery of Medical Cannabis

The first organization authorized to dispense medical marijuana in Florida has made its first home delivery.

Kim Rivers, CEO of Trulieve, said Saturday that the company has delivered low-THC medical cannabis to a patient in Hudson, Florida, who is suffering from dystonia, a condition characterized by chronic muscle spasms and seizures. Hudson is in Pasco County, near Tampa.

Trulieve and Hackney Nursery, which is the dispensing organization for Northwest Florida, received processing and dispensing authorization from the state Department of Health on Tuesday. Trulieve plans to begin in-store sales at a dispensary in Tallahassee on Tuesday.


Babies Are Full of Cannabis? The Five Most Surreal Claims About the Brain

While much of the brain remains a mystery, we know a lot more about it than people realise. However, some of the claims made about it are just plain weird.


Is Hillary Clinton Evolving on Cannabis? Maybe. Slowly. A Little.

As the Democratic National Convention opens in Philadelphia today, concerned cannabis consumers can’t help but wonder if Hillary Clinton has our best interests in mind.

For the sake of the future of drug policy in America, we’ve decided to critically examine her past statements on cannabis, as well as major votes for drug policy reform, in an effort to find out where she stands — at least officially — and what a Hillary Clinton administration might mean for cannabis in the United States.


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