United States

the states
the US

Marijuana Grows Are the New "Meth Houses," Says the DEA

As homegrown drug operations go, the meth lab is king. Methamphetamine production is known to contaminate houses and spontaneously combust labs, so attempting it requires a scrappy sensibility and serious attention to detail.


Dr. Mark L. Rabe Presents PharmaCyte Biotech’s Ongoing Research at Cannabis Cancer Forum

PharmaCyte Biotech, Inc. (OTCQB:PMCB), a clinical stage biotechnology company focused on developing targeted treatments for cancer and diabetes using its signature live-cell encapsulation technology, Cell-in-a-Box®, announced today that on Saturday, July 30, 2016, PharmaCyte's Medical and Scientific Advisory Board member Mark L. Rabe, MD, delivered a presentation entitled "Medical Cannabis for Cancer" as part of a "Cannabis for Cancer Forum" in San Diego.


Arizona's Medical Marijuana Fund Continues to Grow, Sits (Mainly) Unused

Cannabis researchers say recreational marijuana won't impact work

If the initiative to legalize recreational marijuana passes this year, Arizona’s existing medical marijuana program will be put under the umbrella of a newly formed agency.

Arizona voters will decide Nov. 8 if they want to legalize recreational marijuana — that’s if Arizona business leaders aren’t successful in blocking the vote through the courts.

In 2010, Arizona voters passed the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act, making it legal to buy the Schedule 1 drug for medicinal purposes only. That move created a budding industry ranging from medical marijuana dispensaries to consulting and marketing companies.


How Medical Marijuana Farming in Israel Could Help California's Cannabis Industry — and Vice Versa

Only four days before the summer solstice, the air is hot and heavy, the sky cloudless. The road along the highway is spotted with shrubbery, gas stations and occasionally vast rows of crop, somehow withstanding, even thriving under the tenacious desert sun.  

Driving south from Tel Aviv along Ayalon Highway, the scenery looks almost identical to Southern California — if not for the Hebrew-lettered billboards, the green-clad soldiers waiting by desolate bus stops and the occasional black-hatted Orthodox men walking along the road. 


Bee Breeders Announce Winners of Cannabis Bank Competition

Through their international architecture competitions, Bee Breeders give young architects and designers the platform to question the social and political role of architecture. Their latest competition, a Cannabis Bank without a specified site, was an open-ended question into the role and relevance of the increasingly normalised substance. The judges selected three winners and six honorable mentions, all of which presented ideas that open up the discourse around cannabis and its integration into the built environment.


Map shows where pot is popular across the US

San Francisco is the cannabis capital of America, new data shows.

In fact, the entire West Coast has far more pot smokers than the rest of the country, and a more positive opinion of what the drug does to your body.

Once you reach 12, you are far more likely to light up a joint in California, Colorado, Oregon and Washington than anywhere else in the United States.

Southern Texans, meanwhile - particularly those living near the Mexican border - are less enamored by the drug.

The findings have emerged in a new report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) compiling federal about marijuana smokers between 2012 and 2014.

In the survey, 204,000 respondents described their cannabis use.


Help with marijuana legalization by getting Gary Johnson on the ballot in all 50 States

Special thanks to the Reddit user who put this together.

Purpose of this post

A lot of people have been asking what they can do to help Gary -- well, here's your answer. Let's make sure ballot access in all 50 States is signed, sealed, and delivered to the Libertarian Party. With national polls putting Gary Johnson in double digits, you can bet that the Republicans and Democrats will be challenging the signatures collected in each State -- so it's imperative that we do everything we can to not only get the necessary amount of signatures to give voters a sane option for president, but rack up as many extra signatures on top of that.


Gavin Newsom Explains Why Lawmakers Shouldn't Be Neutral On Marijuana Legalization

Gavin Newsom is a little tired of being the only state official in California to fully endorse legalizing recreational marijuana.  

Speaking with The Huffington Post at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday, the lieutenant governor said it’s time for others to take a stand on the issue, which will appear on California’s ballot this fall. 

“What we’re doing to criminalize the drug is not working,” he said. “And the drug is ubiquitous. Every young person would say it’s easier to get marijuana than it is alcohol.” 


Marijuana legalization might be fix to nation's opioid problems

Proponents of marijuana prohibition have long alleged that experimentation with pot acts as a “gateway” to the use and eventual abuse of other illicit substances. But the results of a just released national poll finds that most Americans no longer believe this claim to be true.

According to survey data compiled by YouGov.com, fewer than one in three US citizens agree with the statement, “the use of marijuana leads to the use of hard drugs.” Among those respondents under the age of 65, fewer than one in four agree.


Ten State Lawmakers Join Effort to Legalize Marijuana

Vote Yes on 4, they say.

Ten state lawmakers have come out endorsing the bid to legalize recreational marijuana in Massachusetts.

The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, the group pursuing legalization by ballot question, announced the roster of supporters on Thursday: three senators and seven state representatives, all Democrats.

“It’s time to get this over with,” said Belmont Sen. Will Brownsberger, senate chair of the Judiciary Committee, in a statement. “The prohibition approach to the control of marijuana use just has not worked.”


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