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6 Ways To Break Into The Cannabis Industry

As one of the fastest growing industries in the United States, marijuana has quickly becoming a booming industry. With profits on the rise and states ready to legalize, many people are interested in working in this industry.

However, many people are also unsure when it comes to getting their foot in the door.

After all, where do you even begin?

Compiling the advice of top marijuana experts along with industry insights, discover the top 6 ways you can break into the cannabis industry today. 

1.) Cater your expertise

Marijuana may be a specialized industry, but it has needs just like any other type of business. From IT to marketing, there’s a cannabis business seeking your expertise.


Investing in Cannabis Stocks on the Nasdaq

This guy must be high!

That’s what I thought after reading the following sentence in a recent Motley Fool piece...

There simply aren't any enticing investments at the moment to take advantage of marijuana's state-level expansion, meaning you safest best is to monitor marijuana's expansion safely from the sidelines.

Tell that to the members of my Green Chip Stocks community who bought the following stocks last year after I recommended them...

OrganiGram Holdings (TSX-V: OGI)


Aphria (TSX-V: APH)


Mapping Marijuana: CRE Tech Startup Focuses on Green Zones

My earliest memory is of my first job. I worked in my family’s junkyard. My first task was to drag around a magnet by a string to pick up any nails and screws that could pop a tire. I took pride in it. I collected the nuts, screws and metal shavings from my trusty magnet and kept them as tiny trophies. My elementary school friends would talk about their chores with disgust. When they asked me what my allowance was, I would tell them “I don’t get an allowance. I have a job. I save tires.”


Legal Marijuana Opponents Lobbying City Councils Across US

A group dedicated to keeping marijuana illegal has launched an effort to convince city councils across the country to actively oppose measures to end cannabis prohibition that are expected to appear on at least five state ballots this November.


Obama's Rare Opportunity to Reschedule Marijuana

President Obama has a rare opportunity to make history by rescheduling marijuana.

As it so happens, the DEA is currently deciding on a five-year-old petition to reschedule marijuana, supposedly in the first half of 2016. This decision coincides with some of the final months of the Obama administration. This coincidence makes it easy for the President to accomplish a major, desperately needed reform of federal marijuana law.


The Rise Of The Cannabis Connoisseur

Back in 2014, a man named Sean Azzariti made the first state-legal cannabis purchase in Colorado. Azzariti, an Iraq-war veteran, happily forked over about $60 for an eighth (4 grams) of Bubba Kush and some edibles. His huge grin was splashed atop news articles about the momentous occasion.

“I think for most cannabis consumers, the fact that they walked into a store, showed their ID and bought real legal marijuana for the first time in history was a huge deal,” said Matthew Huron, CEO of Colorado dispensary Good Chemistry. “That was two years ago, and it was like, ‘Wow, this is great.’ And since then, [consumers] are getting hungry.”


Oregon Marijuana Edibles to Be Sold Legally June 2

Marijuana edibles will be legally available to buy in medical marijuana dispensaries in Oregon Thursday, June 2.

Those products can contain up to 15 mg of THC and adults over 21 can buy them.

Eating or drinking marijuana exposes you to THC, the chemical that makes you high, without the risk of smoke exposure. The effects of edibles can take hours to feel, much slower than the effects of smoking or vaping.

The Oregon Health Authority says marijuana can make children very sick, so it’s important to keep any marijuana products in a locked area out of the reach of children.

If a child does eat or drink a marijuana product, call the Poison Center Hotline at 1.800.222.1222.


Denver Marijuana Companies Make Naming Rights Play at Mile High Stadium

Could Mile High Stadium take on a new meaning in the near future? Denver pot businesses sure hope so. 

After Sports Authority filed for bankruptcy in March and was sold earlier this month, the Denver Broncos filed a motion to sever ties with the sports retailer. That means the team could be looking for a new naming rights sponsor for the stadium and Colorado marijuana companies want in.

At least two Denver pot-related businesses — Native Roots and O.penVAPE — have offered to pay $6 million per year to obtain the naming rights, according to the Denver Business Journal


The Secret Enemy of the Marijuana Legalization Movement

Public support for marijuana legalization is at a record high in the United States, but not everybody is embracing reform.

Certain industries have a financial interest in keeping weed illegal — private prisons, law enforcement, and Big Pharma, for example— but there's another opponent to legalization that most people don't think about: the drug-testing industry.


The Marijuana Show Returns: Season 2 Sizzle Reel [Watch]

Season Three breaks records with $20 million available to Ganjapreneurs in capital investment.

The Cannabis industry is anticipated to grow to $17.5 billion by the year 2020, and the first-ever reality show about investing in Cannabis, is looking for the next crop of Ganjapreneurs to join winners who have already offered $18 million in investments, and brought a cannabis car, a major Hollywood “stoner comedy”, a cannabis advertising agency, and a line of CBD-infused dog bones to the market.


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