United States

the states
the US

These Colorado Students Are Going To College On Weed-Funded Scholarships

The upside of legalizing weed? You can tax the stuff and then use that revenue to fund scholarships. That is what Colorado is doing — one of four states (plus the District of Colombia) that has legalized the sale of marijuana for recreational use. Aurora, Colorado is already using its weed tax revenue to help fights its homelessness problem. Now another part of the state is following suit for students who want to go on to higher education.


Can Marijuana Treat Heroin Addiction?

Caregivers in Maine want to give medical marijuana a try.

Can you treat a drug addiction with another drug? Many medical cannabis patients in recovery, as well as their caregivers, think it’s possible. 

Studies have already shown a decrease in opioid overdose deaths in states where medical cannabis has been legalized. On a more personal level, it’s showing unprecedented potential as an alternative treatment option for addiction to opioids, like heroin and prescription pain pills.


Yes to Cannabis Jerky, but Worries Persist

When Colorado legalized sales and use of marijuana for recreational purposes in 2014, Aspen was right there. You can find stores within a block of city hall, with restrictions little different than those imposed on liquor stores.

But in unincorporated Pitkin County, elected officials have been hesitant. Their concerns are rooted in lingering questions about unintended consequences of THC-infused edibles. Their particular worry is about edibles getting into the hands ­— and mouths — of children and adolescents.

Several months ago, the county commissioners flat-out said no to a local woman who wanted to infuse candy products at a kitchen located just outside the town.


Cannabis Changes the Game of Real Estate

Local businesses worry the cannanbis industry is edging them out.

While Oregon may still be the new kid on the legalization block, the two states that beat us to the punch, Washington and Colorado, might have a lesson or two to teach us about what’s to come.

There’s no doubt that states have benefited financially from taxing the recently legalized industry and are looking at dramatic declines in crime rates, according to a 2015 study by the Drug Policy Alliance.

Oregon’s Department of Revenue started collecting taxes on recreational cannabis for the first time beginning Feb. 1, and by March 4 the state had collected $3.48 million from dispensaries statewide.


Institutional Investment Into Cannabis Is Inevitable

Up to this point financing of legal cannabis in the U.S. has relied largely on private money - friends and family raises, high net-worth individuals, and small to medium sized private investment firms. Banks and large investors have shied away from companies in the cannabis space, even for businesses that do not touch the plant. The federal prohibition on cannabis has led to this situation in which small investors and venture funds have become the industry’s financial backbone. This moment in time of individual investing power in cannabis is waning, however.


The DEA Is Getting Dragged 'Kicking and Screaming' Into the New World of Marijuana

In April, the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) said that it would review marijuana’s classification as a Schedule I drug, considered the “most dangerous class” of substances.

While the DEA’s announcement is a positive sign, many drug-policy experts think that it’s unlikely the agency will actually decide to change marijuana’s classification, despite a dramatic shift in public sentiment about the drug.


American Pain Society Issues White Paper on Medical Marijuana

In response to growing public interest and support of medical marijuana, the American Pain Society has issued a white paper to help assist pain physicians with marijuana-related clinical issues. Published in the Journal of Pain, the paper covers a wide range of opinions on medical marijuana from various medical experts.


Increasing Numbers Of Americans Support Marijuana Legalization

A wave of recent polls shows that majorities of voters in five states, and a majority nationwide, support legalizing medical marijuana. Many voters also support legalizing marijuana for recreational use.

Eighty percent of Florida’s registered voters would support a state constitutional amendment to legalize medical marijuana. While support drops when voters are asked about recreational use, the issue still garners a majority with 56 percent for it and 41 percent against.


Free Webinar Today: Understanding The Profit Potential For Cannabis Greenhouse Growers

When Jim McCann, the CEO of 1-800-Flowers, admits that he is concerned about his supply chain now that many flower growers are tempted by the huge potential from growing cannabis, you know this is an industry greenhouse growers need to pay attention to. On Fox News show Morning with Maria, McCann expressed particular concern about large growers in California, Colorado and Oregon who are already considering ‘Maybe I can switch to cannabis and get 10 times on the revenue line.’ “That’s a big concern of ours.”


DEM Pure Certification: Paving the way for Sustainable Cannabis

“Gardening is one of the single biggest acts of protest for consumerism.” – Dragonfly Earth Medicine

As the marijuana movement gains momentum nationwide, more stories in the media are drawing attention to the fact that our precious greens are in reality, not so green.

Dragonfly Earth Medicine (DEM) is here to set the standard for sustainability with their Pure Certification, and the standard is being set sky-high.


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