United States

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the US

America's 2015 Marijuana Sales Higher Than Dasani, Oreos [Infographic]

Marijuana sales in the United States reached a record high in 2015. Legal in Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, and the District of Columbia, a whopping $3.4 billion of the green stuff was sold last year. The best way to give that figure some kind of perspective is by comparing it to the sales of well-known and established brands.


The National Cannabis Festival is coming to D.C. in April

Last February, a group of pot advocates and enthusiasts started plotting a cannabis festival focused on policy, not recreational use. Now, after more than a year of planning, the National Cannabis Festival is coming to D.C. on April 23. Held on the festival grounds at RFK Stadium, the full-day bash features De La Soul as the headlining act, with earlier performances by Jesse Royal, Congo Sanchez, Backyard Band and Nappy Riddem.

The festival's other components -- an education pavilion and fairs dedicated to advocacy and vendors -- make it clear the inaugural event isn't only about cool music and good vibes. In partnership with more than 20 advocacy groups, the event celebrates the loosening of cannabis bans.


Denver's Kindman Cannabis Calls for Greater Transparency by Colorado Regulators, Following ...

Some experts, meanwhile, hope Kindman will share the results of its Colorado Open Records Act request with the legal marijuana industry’s scientific community.

In the wake of a dispute over legal marijuana testing procedures and an announced recall, the founder of Denver-based Kindman cannabis is calling for greater transparency and collaboration between industry stakeholders and the state of Colorado regarding its testing protocols for marijuana products.

Last week the state’s Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED) said cannabis samples from Denver-based Kindman came back positive for trace amounts of a banned insecticide.


What Are CBD E-Liquids?

E-CBD This non-psychoactive cannabinoid is currently overtaking THC as the active principle in cannabis that medical professionals and patients alike are most interested in. So what are CBD e-liquids?

CBD e-liquids are joining CBD food supplements as the latest stage of the on-going quest to find more effective and healthier ways of consuming cannabidiol. This non-psychoactive cannabinoid is currently overtaking THC as the active principle in cannabis that medical professionals and patients alike are most interested in. So what are CBD e-liquids?


Watch: A Doctor Explains How Cannabis Treats Epilepsy

Cannabis' analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects have been known for literally thousands of years - but more recently, the drug has been making waves in medical circles for its potential efficacy in treating epilepsy and other seizure disorders. And, contrary to what detractors of medical marijuana would expect, the evidence isn't coming solely from the pro-cannabis lobby.


Veterans Using Marijuana To Ease PTSD

A growing number of states are weighing whether to legalize marijuana to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. But for many veterans, the debate is already over.

They’re increasingly using cannabis even though it remains illegal in most states and is unapproved by the Department of Veterans Affairs because major studies have yet to show it is effective against PTSD.

While the research has been contradictory and limited, some former members of the military say pot helps them manage their anxiety, insomnia and nightmares. Prescription drugs such as Klonopin and Zoloft weren’t effective or left them feeling like zombies, some say.


Hawaii's Largest Aquaponics Farm Looking to Grow Medical Marijuana

Mari’s Garden in Central Oahu, which is one of the largest aquaponics farms in the United States, could be adding a medical marijuana growing operation to its mix, according to public documents.

ERBA Wellness, headed by an owner of Mari’s Garden and its consultant, who have applied with the state Department of Health to become one of three medical marijuana dispensaries on Oahu, plan to grow their products at the Mililani farm, according to a recent presentation by the group at the Mililani/Waipio/Melemanu Neighborhood Board.


Marijuana May Be Good For Your Skin, But Smoking Is Not — That's Where Vapes Come In

There's delightful news for the health-conscious cannabis users: Studies have found that using cannabis could be good for your skin, due to THC's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. While these THC attributes can be introduced to the body through topicals like "kush cream," for those looking to reap pot's other key benefit — aka getting high — they've long been forced to smoke their weed.


How to Design a Marijuana-License Lottery

In early 2014, Sharif Ibrahim was offered an unusual project. Ibrahim, then a Ph.D. student in mathematics at Washington State University, in Pullman, spent most of his time working on esoteric geometric-analysis problems. Now, his adviser told him, the state of Washington needed help. About a year and a half earlier, voters had approved the legalization of recreational marijuana, and the state was preparing to issue licenses to marijuana retailers. It had capped the number of licenses at three hundred and thirty-four—but the state received more than two thousand applications to open stores. The officials wanted a fair, and random, way of handing out the golden tickets.


Marijuana Study Leader Is Against Legalization Push

For a year, state Senator Jason M. Lewis maintained strict neutrality as he studied marijuana legalization — interviewing 50-plus experts, scouring the research, and observing firsthand a state where it is legal. But now he is speaking out against the expected November referendum in Massachusetts.

His position carries special weight. Lewis chairs the special legislative committee on marijuana.

His concerns, voiced just after his committee submitted its report on the topic, arise from his role as both a father and a public official, he said.

“I am opposed to the likely ballot question because this is the wrong time for Massachusetts to go down this road, and a commercial, profit-driven market is the wrong approach to take,” the Winchester Democrat said.


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