United States

the states
the US

Black People Twice As Likely To Be Arrested For Pot In Colorado And Washington — Where It’s Legal

When Colorado and Washington became the first states to legalize recreational marijuana in 2012, drug policy advocates and pot consumers believed racial drug arrests would drop dramatically. That logic inspired voters in Washington, D.C., Oregon, and Alaska to hit the polls two years later in favor of less restrictive pot laws. 

But it turns out that advocates and consumers were only half right. Drug arrests have plummeted overall, yet black people are still disproportionately arrested


This Might Be the Best Marijuana Study You'll See All Year

Two Norwegian researchers examined the likelihood of marijuana to cause a motor vehicle crash, and came to a surprising conclusion.

Marijuana appears to be set up for what could be its best year ever.

The plant, which is currently illegal at the federal level, has expanded like a weed over the past two decades. A whopping 23 states have legalized marijuana for medicinal use since 1996, and four states have legalized the sale of marijuana for recreational purposes since 2012.


Check Out The Profit Margins For Cannabis-Infused Goodies

According to new data published in the 2016 Marijuana Business Factbook, profit margins for concentrates and infused products in the cannabis sector hover around 32% - significantly higher than those typically realized by alcohol, soft drinks, and cigarettes.

"Demand for these forms of cannabis are booming, and consumers are often willing to pay a pretty penny for them," according to the Marijuana Business Daily. "Edibles in particular are growing in popularity, particularly in recreational marijuana markets, as are concentrates used in vape pens."


Method Man & Redman Reportedly in Talks With Pot-Finding Mobile App

How High stars Method Man and Redmanare said to be looking to invest in a new app that makes it easy to find legal pot. BlazeNow CEO Jeremy Carr tells HipHopDX that the pair are in talks to "be involved" with the app -- which, when officially launched April 20, will let users search thousands of legal dispensaries and delivery services in states where marijuana is legal -- but nothing is official yet.


Pesticides 101: Questions and Answers for Cannabis Patients and Consumers

Reports out of Washington state last week confirmed what many suspected but few had publicly acknowledged: Colorado’s cannabis pesticide problem isn’t just Colorado’s problem. It exists in every state. 


Connecticut Moves Toward Okaying Medical Marijuana for Youth

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Connecticut lawmakers are moving closer toward allowing qualified patients under 18 years old to use medical marijuana to treat their debilitating illnesses.

The Public Health Committee overwhelmingly approved the proposed legislation on Monday. It now awaits further action in the House of Representatives.

The vote comes days after a funeral in Montville for 13-year-old Cyndiemae Meehan, whose family moved her from Connecticut to Maine to receive medical marijuana to treat her rare form of epilepsy.

Montville Rep. Kevin Ryan, a Democrat, suggested the bill be named in honor of the girl. Meehan had previously testified with her mother in favor of Connecticut’s legislation.


Google Denies Medical Marijuana Company in NY Rights to Advertise on Site

A medical marijuana company with ties to New York is calling on Google after they say the search engine giant denied them the opportunity to market their products. Time Warner Cable News reporter Michael Howard has the details on why Google says they did so, and how a local lawyer says it has yet to be dealt with on a national level.

The CEO of Vireo Health of New York Ari Hoffnung says he is frustrated with Google after the company denied Vireo the opportunity to market its products on the worlds largest search engine. 


Marijuana Startup Accelerator CanopyBoulder Is Leading A Cannabis Industry Boom, But Some Grads Say The Program Isn’t Worth The Hype

BOULDER, Colorado — It was week three for the new class at CanopyBoulder, the first seed-stage business accelerator focused squarely on the cannabis industry, and on this sunny Tuesday afternoon, CanopyBoulder managing director Micah Tapman was giving the 10 nascent marijuana companies chosen for the program a lesson in making personal connections.

A few days earlier, a major businessman in the Colorado marijuana industry had given a presentation at the accelerator. But after the talk, hardly any of the program participants had introduced themselves to their guest. Considering that individual is worth millions, that was the wrong move, said Tapman.


Trump Tuesday: Donald Trump Border Wall Slammed By John Oliver On ‘Last Week Tonight’ [VIDEO]

Americans have been hearing about Donald Trump's proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border since the businessman's presidential campaign began last summer. On Sunday, HBO's "Last Week Tonight" host John Oliver tried to tear down that wall — or, at least the idea of building it in the first place.

Oliver devoted nearly twenty minutes of Sunday's episode to breaking down Trump's border wall proposal. The comedian concluded that the wall, which has become one of the key points of the Republican presidential front-runner's campaign platform, is probably not a very good idea. 


How To Choose The Right Vaporizer

As new vaporizer models are being launched on regular basis Vape Track came up with handy visual introduction to the vaping world which contains information on vaporizer types, how each of them works, most important tech specs and top model recommendations.

See their infographic below: 


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