United States

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Who, exactly, uses the on-demand marijuana delivery service Eaze?

Eaze delivers medical medical marijuana in plastic containers. The company has released the first compilation of data about its customers.

Many medical cannabis users indulge in the morning, “waking-and-baking,” and Northern Californians prefer trippier kinds of marijuana than folks in Southern California.

Those are among the insights gleaned from the aggregate use patterns of 100,000 clients of Eaze, a medical marijuana delivery service that released information Tuesday about users in the 80 California cities where it operates.

Marijuana Movement

Eaze CEO Keith McCarty hopes that sharing the data will help shape the new medical marijuana regulations being crafted in California.


Bernie Sanders is right: drug companies did help cause the opioid epidemic

At Sunday's Democratic debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) made a point about the harrowing opioid painkiller and heroin epidemic that isn't raised enough: "There is a responsibility on the part of the pharmaceutical industry and the drug companies who are producing all of these drugs and not looking at the consequence of it."


Legal Marijuana: What the First Official Report Says

As a part of its marijuana legalization initiative passed in 2012, I-502, Washington state is required to issue periodic reports on how its ‘experiment’ with cannabis is going.


The Practicality of Illinois' Medical Marijuana Program

By John Schroyer

If anyone knows the Illinois medical cannabis scene, it’s Bob Morgan.

Morgan was designated by former Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn while he was still in workplace to supervise the implementation of the state’s MMJ program, which Quinn signed into law in 2013.

Morgan stepped down from the post in Might 2015and moved into private practice with a Chicago law office.

In his new function, he still works carefully with the marijuana market, however not simply in Illinois– he likewise does consulting deal with business in up-and-coming markets, such as Maryland and Hawaii.


Texas: State Prepares To Issue Cannabis Dispensary Licenses

Texas will begin to prepare to issue licenses to retailers for the sale of marijuana-based products, reported MySanAntonio. The licenses will enable certain dispensaries to sell products with low levels of THC, such as cannabis oil.

The state has approved the products for people diagnosed with intractable epilepsy, a form of the disease where seizures cannot be treated with traditional drugs. The program was slated to be launched Jan. 10, but the first dispensary will not be licensed until June 2017. License applications will not be finalized and available to companies until this summer.


LA addressing medical marijuana mixed message on tax collection

LOS ANGELES — The city will stop issuing new business tax certificates to medical marijuana dispensaries under an ordinance approved today by the Los Angeles City Council.

Despite the 2013 voter approval of Proposition D, which banned most medical marijuana businesses in Los Angeles, city finance officials have continued to issue tax certificates and collect taxes from them, illegal or not.

Some medical pot shops in the city are still allowed to operate due to exceptions in Proposition D, but finance officials said they are unequipped to determine whether a medical marijuana dispensary is in compliance and must leave the potentially complex legal question to be sorted out by city attorneys.


Investing in Medical Marijuana for U.S. Veterans

It's not JUST about the money.

I know, this is not something most folks expect to read in an investment newsletter. So let me explain...

A few years ago, when I first started writing about the legal marijuana space, I was accused of compromising my ethics in an attempt to make a buck. But nothing could be further from the truth.

There are actually a number of reasons I invest in the legal marijuana space.

Yes, the main reason is because it's insanely profitable.


Medicinal marijuana can relieve the suffering of those dying in great pain

Many trials are continuing throughout the world into the use of medicinal marijuana

The use of medical cannabis is an issue that won't go away. The word has got out that it can relieve the agony of dying patients. So those patients and their families will use it, whatever anyone else might say.

A new report says medicinal cannabis helped ease the suffering of Alex Renton, 19, whose case received a lot of publicity last year. Alex had "status epilepticus", a terrible form of epilepsy, and was allowed to use Elixinol, a cannabidoil (CBD), for a short time before he died on July 1.


Western New York physicians cautious about rollout of medical marijuana treatment

Dr. Laszlo Mechtler, medical director of Dent Neurologcal Institute, says when it comes to prescribing medical marijuana, “We want to go by the book. ... with medical marijuana, there is no book.”

The Dent Neurologic Institute in Amherst receives as many as 100 calls a day about medical marijuana, and for good reason.

Of the 226 doctors certified to recommend marijuana in New York State as of last week, 12 of them work at Dent.

Dent wants to be on the leading edge of using and researching marijuana for treatment in Western New York. But don’t expect a flood of recommendations for their patients to use the drug, said Dr. Laszlo Mechtler, Dent’s medical director.


Ohio: Senators hitting road to hear medical marijuana views

The Ohio Senate is taking its study of medical marijuana on the road.

Sens. Dave Burke, R-Marysville, and Kenny Yuko, D-Richmond Heights, are going on a “listening tour” with stops in Cleveland, Toledo and Cincinnati.

Yuko has advocated for medical marijuana for more than a decade, while Burke said he remains skeptical.

As a pharmacist, Burke said he knows that “all chemicals can cause both harm and benefits, depending on the use.” He said he will remain open-minded during the discussions.


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