United States

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the US

One Out of Five Young People Would Move to a State Because Pot Is Legal There

This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "marijuana movement."

There have been plentiful anecdotal reports about people pulling up stakes to head to where the grass is greener, and now there is polling data to back up the contention that marijuana legalization or liberalization is a pull factor in people's decisions about where they want to live—especially for young people.


University of Florida Says No to Medical Marijuana Partnerships

A medical marijuana grower may have told a Senate panel last week he was working with University of Florida scientists, but a university spokeswoman now says that’s not the case, according to a report by public broadcasting affiliate WUFT-TV and FM.

Robert Wallace, owner of Chestnut Hill Tree Farm in Alachua, on Wednesday told senators on the Regulated Industries Committee he was “working with” the university’s researchers “to develop and distribute medical marijuana by summer, and that he will donate a portion of his proceeds to the university for research,” the report said.


Idaho: Four kids now taking marijuana-derived epilepsy treatment under state program; more being screened

Four Idaho children are now taking the drug Epidiolex under an “expanded access” program permitted under federal law and authorized by Gov. Butch Otter through an executive order, state Public Health Division Director Elke Shaw-Tulloch told lawmakers this morning. Epidiolex is a purified oil made from the marijuana plant that contains no THC; clinical trials are under way to use it to treat children with severe epilepsy, and the expanded access program allows other kids not in the trials to receive the drug.


Taking weed breaks at work — where it’s allowed (and even encouraged)

At most offices in America, smoking a joint during your lunch break or eating cannabis-laced brownies at your desk would land you in HR.

But in some states, not only won’t you be punished — you might be rewarded.

Kyle Sherman and Chase Wiseman cofounded Flowhub, which provides software for the cannabis industry, in 2015. The Denver-based startup has been a weed-friendly workplace from day one.

“Our philosophy at Flowhub is to get s*** done,” said Sherman. “If it helps our employees get work done, then we don’t care if they consume at work.”

Sherman and Chase both consume marijuana at work, either in weekly brainstorming meetings or toward the end of the day.

“It definitely surfaces new ideas and a fresh take on things,” said Sherman.


The Oregonian has created a new strain of marijuana

By Teresa Mahoney

I write this entry the morning after a long night of harvesting and wet-trimming our two indoor marijuana plants. My socks in the hamper have cannabis leaves stuck to the bottoms and peel off like tape. My jacket and camera straps still reek of pot.

So, how did harvest go?

Jeremy Plumb, commercial pot grower and my growing mentor, hadn't seen the indoor kiddos for over a month, except for photos I'd been texting him, incessantly asking, "Are they done yet?"

He originally anticipated it would take around eight weeks for the plants to reach full maturity under a 12/12 light cycle – which means 12 hours of sun and 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness during a cannabis plant's flowering period.


Twins study finds no evidence that marijuana lowers IQ in teens

Study of teenage twins finds little evidence that using marijuana lowers IQ.

Roughly half of Americans use marijuana at some point in their lives, and many start as teenagers. Although some studies suggest the drug could harm the maturing adolescent brain, the true risk is controversial. Now, in the first study of its kind, scientists have analyzed long-term marijuana use in teens, comparing IQ changes in twin siblings who either used or abstained from marijuana for 10 years. After taking environmental factors into account, the scientists found no measurable link between marijuana use and lower IQ.


Los Angeles needs a new medical marijuana policy

In October, when Gov. Jerry Brown signed three bills establishing a statewide system to regulate medicinal cannabis, he called it a long-overdue framework that would “make sure patients have access to medical marijuana, while ensuring a robust tracking system.” He should have added: “Everywhere in the state, except Los Angeles,” because it turns out California's strict licensing regime won't apply to the state's largest city. What's more, under the terms of the new state law, if L.A. doesn't change its existing rules, all medicinal pot shops in the city's boundaries will be illegal in 2018.

The City Council should not let marijuana businesses set city policy.


Candy E-Cigarettes Are More Tempting to Children than Marijuana

A new study from the University of Cambridge reveals that e-cigarettes that are bubble gum or chocolate flavored attract children into trying and buying them. The vapor sticks are now the most widely used nicotine product for children in countries with strict tobacco control policies.

The Use of E-cigarettes by High Schoolers Tripled Between 2013 and 2014

The exact figures declare that the rate of high schoolers using e-cigarettes in the United States went up from 4.5% to over 13%. Middle school students using e-cigarettes using e-cigarettes went up from 1% to 4%. In England, use of these sticks in people between the ages of 11-18 went from 5% to 8%.


8 Myths About Women Who Enjoy Marijuana

Luckily, the mental image most people have of someone who smokes weed has changed significantly over the past few years. We used to only associate marijuana with the dopey stoner dude who sleeps in until noon and only eats things that come out of a crinkly bag, but our view has definitely expanded. For one, we're now more used to the fact that many women like to get high, too.


Poll: Majority Of Americans Support Marijuana Legalization

The majority of Americans support the legalization of marijuana, according to the latest poll.

The percentage of Americans who support marijuana legalization rose four points to 52 percent from when YouGov last asked the same question back in March 2015.

More than half of adults under the age of 65 support legalization but there is still strong opposition from those aged 65 and over. Democrats were overwhelmingly in favor of a more relaxed position on cannabis, with 66 percent supporting an end to prohibition.


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