United States

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the US

One Mom's Race to Legalize Medical Cannabis in Her State and Potentially Save Her Daughter's Life

When she was born, doctors didn’t expect Remie Miette Ellett to live. In anticipation of her death, her mother gave her the name that means “sweet little remedy.”

“I just really wanted her to have a pretty name I could remember her by,” Sarah Ellett says. “She has proven she is really just what her name says.”


Oregon Launches Online Applications For Recreational Marijuana Licenses

Oregon’s license application process for recreational marijuana opened Jan. 4, building on a year of public meetings and an early recreational sale last October. 

The state’s licensing process runs differently than others like Florida, where licenses are limited to a specific number of players in the market. In Oregon, anyone is able to apply for a recreational license.


Cannabis Therapeutics in HIV AIDS PDF


Cannabis Therapeutics in HIV AIDS PDF Free Download, Cannabis Therapeutics in HIV AIDS PDF, Cannabis Therapeutics in HIV AIDS Ebook Preface

Explore the controversial subject of cannabis therapeutics for HIV/AIDS patients!

Cannabis Therapeutics in HIV/AIDS provides a scientific view of the benefits of marijuana in helping to increase appetite, ease the symptoms of HIV/AIDS, and improve quality of life for patients. Dr. Ethan Russo, editor of the Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics, has assembled a collection of first-rate information from clinicians, researchers, and patients. Based on scientific research, this book offers insights into how using cannabis has helped patients deal with the symptoms of HIV/AIDS.


Friday Funny: People Kept Calling This RCMP Officer’s Cellphone To Ask For Drugs

RCMP officer John Spaans was just trying to enjoy a nice vacation, but people kept calling his cellphone to ask for drugs. “They were very persistent,” he tells BuzzFeed Canada, adding that some sent text messages with their orders.

“For quite some time I’d been getting wrong number phone calls, and getting asked for people I don’t know,” said the officer, who is with the Boyle RCMP detachment in Alberta.

But it was during his vacation in the U.S. that callers started using slang to indicate they were trying to buy drugs. The people had no clue they were calling a Mountie.

“They probably felt I was being hard to get because I didn’t want to do business with them,” Cpl. Spaans said.


Sale of medical marijuana in Maryland probably won’t commence until 2017

People who want to buy marijuana in Maryland for medicinal purposes are probably going to have to wait until 2017, nearly four years after the state made it legal.

The Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission announced Monday that it will not award licenses to grow and process the drug until sometime in the summer — and industry officials say it will take an additional four to six months after that for the product to be ready to sell.

The commission said it has no target date for allowing retail dispensaries to begin operating and cannot say when marijuana will be available to patients.

Maryland’s medical cannabis program was approved by lawmakers in 2013, but it had to be adjusted multiple times before applications could be sought and submitted.


How to build a distinctive cannabis brand and business

Most companies don’t want to be in the business of selling a commodity. By definition, a commodity is an item that is indistinguishable from others of its type, and all units are usually sold at or near the same price. Gasoline is one example of a commodity.

Yet even though most gasoline will do essentially the same thing (fuel your car), companies like Chevron, Shell, Exxon Mobile and others, will spend hundreds of millions to convince you to buy from them, even though you can get basically an equal product across the street from their competitor.

In today’s economy, many items are now considered a commodity. Why purchase a pair of Nikes from Zappos when the same item can probably be purchased elsewhere at a lower cost?


Silicon Valley Sees Mega-Profits In Marijuana’s ‘Green Rush’

Small Colorado Mom-and-Pop stores are at the vanguard of the nation’s newest marijuana businesses, but, while the weed marketplace might look quaint from the Rocky Mountains, Silicon Valley billionaires are preparing to swoop down and take advantage of weed’s “green rush.”

The entry of billionaires who mainly seek profits has sparked deep anger among long-term activists who have toiled for legalization in the name of personal freedom, civil rights and racial justice.

An internal split became public recently when Dan Riffle, a highly regarded federal policy staffer at the Marijuana Policy Project, publicly quit over the organization’s decision to court big corporate money.

Billionaires profiteering over marijuana doesn’t sit well with long-time activists.


Voter presses Carson on medical marijuana

The mother of a child with epilepsy pressed Ben Carson to voice his stance on medical marijuana in Panora Wednesday.

During a Q and A, the former-brain-surgeon-turned-Republican-presidential-candidate offered a couple of sentences stating that he approves of cannabis for medical use. Then he focused his attention on staunch opposition to drugs like marijuana and heroin for recreational use, emphasizing that he would seal the border with Mexico to prevent drug trafficking into the United States.

"Medical marijuana has proven its benefit and it should be rescheduled, there’s no question about that," Carson said. He added, “There’s a big difference between what she’s talking about and legalizing marijuana. I don’t want to do that.”


Police in Legal States Using Social Media to Bust People for Marijuana

Even in states where marijuana has been made legal, law enforcement agencies are still engaging in underhanded practices, some of which are blatant models of entrapment, to arrest people for marijuana.

A recent investigational report by CBS4 has discovered that Denver police have been using social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, to pose as black market growers in an attempt to bust those who purchase weed from anywhere other the city’s licensed pot shops. 


Ten factors that will influence and shape U.S. markets in the coming year

The Consolidated Appropriations Act - or Spending Bill - of 2016 continues protections for medical cannabis businesses following state law, but does not include additional reform to further facilitate cannabis commerce. Section 538 of the 2015 Spending Bill - the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment, noted in last week’s report - was renewed in this year’s appropriations legislation. Combined with District Court Justice Charles Breyer’s defense of the law and continuing cuts to federal asset forfeiture programs, medical cannabis growers and dispensaries in states with legal systems will be able to operate with a significantly lessened threat of federal intervention.


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