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Will 2016 Finally Be the Year of Marijuana in New Hampshire?

Maybe this is the year we finally admit that legalization will happen eventually and just get it over with already.

Another year, another ray of hope that the New Hampshire government will finally wise up and legalize marijuana for recreational use.

Now I’m not saying that marijuana is the greatest thing and can cure all diseases, but using it is a personal choice that adults should be able to make on their own.


Marijuana Dispensary Absorbing Sales Tax, Without Raising Prices


EUGENE, Ore. -- As an Oregon recreational marijuana sales tax goes into effect one pot shop in Eugene has decided to absorb the cost so customers don't have to pay more.


It's a financial burden Co-Owner of Jamaica Joel's Dispensary Travis Higbee is willing to take to keep prices low.


Pineapple Express Executes Purchase Agreements for an Additional 3.78 Acres in Desert Hot Springs

Company Expands Landlord Footprint and Plans to Rent Approximately 125,000 Square Feet of Warehouse Space to Qualified Cannabis Cultivating Tenants


Emerging players in the new pot economy

Technology and finance are forging a new world for marijuana business and politics. Here are some of the emerging players:

Sean Parker, former president of Facebook and co-founder of Napster. Parker is the key backer of the Control, Regulate and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana Act. The proposed 2016 ballot measure would allow California residents to possess an ounce of marijuana and impose a 15 percent tax on state-regulated marijuana sales.


High Dive: How To Fail In The Marijuana Industry

I usually write about how to succeed in the emerging marijuana industry while navigating its many legal pitfalls. But since so many cannabis businesses tend to fail in newly legalized states, and since 2016 will almost certainly be a big year for legalization, this post is on how to be sure to fail in the marijuana industry.

    Dutch dope busts price of minty ganja gum

    AXIM Biotechnologies, a small, Manhattan-based company with ties to the Netherlands, says it has a trump card in its quest to develop a cannabis-based chewing gum to ease the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

    The company says it will be able to price its gum cheaper than a major competitor after securing a "significant" discount on cannabis made available by the Dutch government.

    To be sure, AXIM has a long way to go before its Medchew Rx gum - still in development - will be a viable alternative to an under-the-tongue spray developed by GW Pharmaceuticals.

    That spray, Sativex, is already approved in 27 countries - though not in the US, where cannabis remains prohibited under federal law.


    Arizona Requires No Cannabis Testing for Pesticides, Despite Recalls in Colorado

    In Colorado, the past 16 weeks have seen 15 recalls of cannabis products because of pesticides, including the largest such recall last week.

    The state's one of several that now mandate or encourage testing of recreational marijuana for contaminants.

    But in Arizona, the products of medical-marijuana sellers and cultivators never have been officially scrutinized. If the state approves recreational use in November, that's going to change — with a likely increase in pot pricing.


    New York to officially launch medical marijuana program Thursday

    ALBANY — State officials will formally launch New York’s medical marijuana program on Thursday and at least one city pot dispensary expects to be ready.

    “New York State's Medical Marijuana Program is scheduled to launch on January 7, 2016, just 18 months after Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the Compassionate Care Act,” Health Department spokesman James Plastiras said in an email to reporters late Monday afternoon.

    “More information and details on the program will be released shortly,” Plastiras added.


    Biggest cannabis dealer in Colorado from the Waikato NZ

    John Lord once walked into a federal government building with $2 million in cash in his backpack to pay his taxes for the cannabis he sells. 

    Due to federal laws, he couldn't get a bank account to bank his drug profits. It's different now. His customers still have to pay cash, but he can now transfer money to the Internal Revenue Service come tax time.

    Lord is the chief executive of Livwell - the largest marijuana dealer in Colorado, one of a few states that have legalised cannabis.

    He sells in excess of $80 million worth of product annually. He won't talk profit margins.  


    Oregon opens application process for marijuana licenses

    The Oregon Liquor Control Commission early Monday opened the state's online application system for marijuana licenses

    The agency initially planned to staff a call center with staff and policy experts to take questions from people completing applications, but Sunday's winter storm prompted the state to close its Portland office buildings Monday.

    Mark Pettinger, a spokesman for the commission, said state staff will not be on hand to take questions from applicants today.

    Applicants may send questions to marijuana@oregon.gov or call 503-872-6366. Responds are likely to be delayed, the agency said.


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