United States

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the US

Federal Health Company Makes MJ Scheduling Suggestion

The U.S. Department of Health and Person Services (HHS) has obviously weighed in on where marijuana ought to appear on the Drug Enforcement Administration’s list of controlled substances– a significant issue for the marijuana industry.

However it’s not yet clear exactly what position the firm took.


Delaware Marijuana Advocates Receive an Early Christmas Present

Folks in Delaware who oppose the war on drugs received an early Christmas present from the state this previous week. A step decriminalizing cannabis belongings that was first accepted by the Home on June 2, 2015, and later signed by Gov. Jack Markell on June 18, went into result on Dec. 18, precisely 6 months after the initial finalizing.


National marijuana advocacy group asking cities and counties to rethink bans

A national medical marijuana advocacy organization published a memo and model ordinance on Monday for California cities and counties, recommending that they regulate the cultivation of medical marijuana instead of banning it.

The memo and model ordinance are part of a project by Americans for Safe Access to support patients and advocates fighting bans on cultivation and pushing for local licensing and regulation of medical marijuana businesses.


Patients enrolling for medical marijuana program say they're already hitting a major roadblock

If you have severe illnesses, you can now start enrolling in the New York State's Medical Marijuana Program. The objective is to get access to the treatment in the beginning of next month. However, patients have said that they have been already struck with a major roadblock.

A multiple sclerosis patient Susan Rusinko said that she has no idea about whether her specialist can provide her with what she requires. She said that she doesn’t have any appointment with her neurologist before January 18, and even on January 18, she has to check out whether he is registered or not.

Anything can happen, and before that, physicians must be registered at the New York State Department of Health.


Medical marijuana: Will it be available by Jan. 5?

WILLIAMSVILLE, N.Y. (WKBW) - Registration is now open for patients looking to buy medical marijuana in New York State.

Dispensaries, including two locations in Western New York are set to open on January 5th. Patients need certification from a registered doctor and will need to access the online system to apply for a registry identification card.

But there is doubt among some patients and their caregivers that the state will be able to handle the demand for the drug and that the dispensaries will open on time.




Are homeless people flocking to Seattle to smoke marijuana?

There is no hard evidence in Seattle that more homeless people are moving to the area because marijuana is legal. There may just be more people smoking in public because there is less enforcement, KIRO Radio's Dave Ross says. (AP)Dave Ross heard whispers that there is a link between 

The KIRO Radio host on Seattle's Morning News said that there's a theory that because people aren't hassled for smoking marijuana in public – at least as much as other places – homeless people are gravitating toward the Emerald City.


It's now legal to give cannabis as a Christmas present in Washingt

THIS Christmas cannabis growers are wrapping up pot as presents for their friends – and it is 100 per cent legal. After a law change in February, this is the first time people in Washington D.C., USA, have legally been able to give the drug as a gift. Activist Adam Eidinger pushed for the change in the law and will be giving cannabis as gifts on Friday. He told Fox 5 News: “It's a lovely holiday season because you can give cannabis to your friends in Washington D.C. “Giving cannabis has become like the latest, ‘Hey, I baked a pie. I grew this. “Would you like it?’ And it is a very special gift.” Eidinger is focused on making sure people know how to smoke the drug legally.


DEA Eases Requirements for Natural Cannabis-derived Drug Research

The U.S Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) on Wednesday relaxed some restrictions on research evaluating cannabidiol, an extract of the marijuana plant, for medicinal use.


The modifications will ease some requirements imposed by the Controlled Substances Act on possession of cannabidiol (CBD) for a specific U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved research protocol, the DEA said.

So far, researchers who expanded the scope of their studies and required more CBD than initially approved had to request, in writing, for a modification to their DEA research registrations.


Florida poll: Almost all to vote in favor of medical marijuana amendment

The effort to legalize a wider use of medical marijuana in Florida has a lot of support, an Orlando Business Journal poll found.

In the unscientific poll, "Will you vote for or against medical marijuana in November 2016?" 91.5 percent of the 473 responses said, "I will vote for broadening medical marijuana use." The remaining 8.5 percent said, "I will vote against broadening medical marijuana use."

An OBJ poll found that there is a lot of support for legalizing a wider use of medical… more

David Paul Morris | Bloomberg


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