United States

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Medical marijuana drawing ex-law enforcement, but is there enough demand?

Illinois’ medical marijuana industry has grown far more slowly than prominent boosters had hoped, but there are still plenty of people trying to profit off the new business, in particular, former law-enforcement officials.


Marijuana Legalization In New Hampshire: Medical Cards Issued Ahead Of Dispensary Openings ...

Residents of New Hampshire hoping to overcome the nausea that may be induced by some presidential campaigns that have made the Granite State their second home in the run up to the 2016 primaries can now receive their medical marijuana identification cards, though they’ll still have to wait until the spring to buy pot in the state. Patients there will be able to cross borders with their cards to purchase medical marijuana in nearby states like Maine and bring the pot back home after a woman with terminal cancer sued the state for access to her card.


Las Vegas Review-Journal: USPS Has More To Worry About Than Marijuana Ads

In November the United States Postal Service sent a memo to newspaper companies in the Portland, Oregon district stating that it would not deliver newspapers and other publications if the publications included advertising for the marijuana industry. Essentially USPS took the stance that since marijuana is illegal at the federal level, the promotion of those ‘illicit goods’ is illegal too, and USPS would not be participating in those promotions in any way.


DC Not Buying Kush Gods' Donations for Marijuana

On Dec. 22, 2015, Washington, D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department detained Nicholas Cunningham and Evonne Lidoff for misdemeanor distribution of marijuana, through Kush Gods, Cunningham’s business that exchanges cannabis for contributions.

When the District’s voters passed Initiative 71, restricted property and cultivation of cannabis ended up being legal. And while the retail sale of marijuana had not been legalized, the law made it possible for individuals to transfer up to one ounce of cannabis to another individual.


Congress OKs medical marijuana, rules under review

Acting Speaker Tina Muna Barnes, center, listens as fellow senator Dennis Rodriguez Jr. present testimony on Bill 185 during session at the Guam Legislature on Tuesday, Nov. 17.(Photo: PDN file)

As the island waits for the implementation of medical marijuana the federal government has signaled it won’t pursue legal action where there are local laws in place.

The U.S. Congress passed a federal spending bill which included a provision that prohibits the Department of Justice from taking legal action against states and territories where medical marijuana is legal.

Sec. 542 of the federal spending bill prohibits the Department of Justice from using funds to prevent states and territories with medical marijuana laws from implementing them.


Teenage Girl Uses Cannabis To Treat Leukemia & Great Results Were Seen

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One of the latest studies proves how the oral use of cannabis in the form of ‘hemp oil’ can be amazingly helpful in treating leukemia and various cancer types. A young teenage girl diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and Philadelphia chromosome mutation was subject to this study.


Top 10 Anti-Marijuana Legalization Policy Victories of 2015

2015 will be remembered as the year legalization hit bumps most supporters never anticipated. For pro-health advocates that oppose marijuana legalization, it was a year of fantastic victories! Here are the top 10:


Investigation reveals schools ease athlete penalties for marijuana

LINCOLN, Neb. — An investigation by The Associated Press finds that at least one-third of the Power Five conference schools are not punishing athletes as harshly as they were 10 years ago for using marijuana and other so-called recreational drugs.

The AP analyzed policies for 57 of the 65 schools in the Southeastern, Atlantic Coast, Big 12, Big Ten and Pac-12 conferences, plus Notre Dame.

Of the 57 schools, 23 since 2005 have either reduced penalties or allowed an athlete to test positive more times before being suspended or dismissed. Ten schools have separate, less stringent policies addressing only marijuana infractions.

In the Pac-12, five schools do not suspend athletes for as long as they once did.


A Look Back at 2015; and Ahead to 2016

The end of the year is a natural time to review our progress advancing legalization over the past 12 months, and to look ahead to what we hope to achieve in the coming year.

Looking Back at 2015

Compared to our recent dramatic electoral victories in 2012 and again in 2014, 2015 was a slow year. We made some modest gains, but nothing dramatic.

During the current phase of legalization, when our victories primarily come by way of voter initiatives, we have become accustomed to expecting more progress in election years, especially presidential election years when the youth vote is highest, than in non-election years. Those basic rules still apply.

But even with that caveat, 2015 moved us forward and positioned us well for 2016.


Controlled Environment Agriculture Center Posts Series Of Webinars On Covered Environments

The University of Arizona’s Controlled Environment Agriculture Center (CEAC) has posted aseries of webinars on its website. The webinars are part of CEAC’s “Covering Environments” monthly seminar series. Each of the webinars are available for free on-demand viewing.

Here’s a quick look at each part of the seminar series:

• “The Birth Of An Agricultural Revolution: Controlled Environment Agriculture.”Presented by Dr. Merle Jensen, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus at the University of Arizona, the presentation is Jensen’s direct reflections on the steps he took to introduce modern hydroponic systems to urban food production.


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