Recreational Marijuana News


The Plight to End Stoner Culture and Make Cannabis Mainstream

Is cannabis the next Internet? That's the bold claim made by Tokyo Smoke CEO Alan Gertner. 

The former head of an Asia-Pacific-wide sales team at Google saw his life change after a Ghanian tour guide told him, “You either work on something you love, or work because it supports the people you love.”

After hearing this, Gertner quit Google. His former philosophy - “Work hard, get promoted, make more money.” - left him unfulfilled.


What's allowed in Ohio's medical marijuana plan

COLUMBUS – After years of stonewalling efforts to legalize medical marijuana in Ohio, state lawmakers announced a plan to provide patients with medical marijuana by 2018.

Proposal, which will be introduced this week, would allow Ohioans older than 18 to buy edible marijuana, patches, plant material and oils with their doctors' recommendation.

Who would grow it? That's to be determined.

Within a year, a new commission would create rules on how to grow, distribute and sell medical marijuana. That means patients could have access medical marijuana within two years, maybe less, said Rep. Kirk Schuring, R-Canton, who led a several-week task force looking into the benefits of medical marijuana.


A "Unity Torch" Joint Will Be Passed from Miami to Maine This 4/20

April 20 (4/20)  is nearly (eight days!) upon us and that means it’s time for the cannabis community to celebrate its national high holiday.

From smokey concerts to peaceful park smoke-outs, there’s never a shortage of 4/20 celebrations in the air. But this year brings a new, special kind of celebration coming from the East Coast in the form of a “Unity Torch.”


How Recreational Marijuana Will Change L.A. — and How It Won’t

Los Angeles' green rush started 10 years ago, when entrepreneurs opened the doors of hundreds of medical marijuana dispensaries. Not everyone was on board.


Cannabis in the Netherlands – An Update

Coffeeshops What is the current situation regarding cannabis in the Netherlands? What has happened in the last year, following the departure of Ivo Opstelten? Is the weed pass still relevant and are tourists in Amsterdam still allowed to smoke cannabis? Read an update here.

On 9 March 2015, the most vehemently anti-cannabis politician the Netherlands has ever seen resigned from office. Ivo Opstelten’s position as Minister of Security and Justice became untenable after systematically misinforming the House of Representatives about a dubious deal with a criminal, which took place in 2000.


Legalized Pot Spots

The debate over legalising marijuana fired back up in France on Tuesday after a minister said cannabis should be decriminalised.

Here are places where marijuana is already allowed for recreational or medical reasons. 

- Uruguay -

The South American nation became in 2013 the first country in the world to legalise marijuana, with a plan to distribute it through pharmacies for $1.40 (1.20 euros) a gram.

Under Uruguayan law, citizens and residents can buy up to 40 grams (1.4 ounces) of pot a month from the pharmacies, grow it themselves at home, or join cannabis clubs where members jointly tend to the plants.

The government has licensed two private companies to produce and distribute marijuana.


New Brunswick Advised to Prepare for Legal Marijuana

Dr. Larry Wolk says the introduction of legal pot in Colorado has gone smoothly.

A Colorado doctor says New Brunswick needs to get citizens up to speed on legalized marijuana well before it arrives.


Dr. Larry Wolk helped his state introduce legal pot four years ago.He says people there had many fears and state officials had to plenty of homework beforehand. (CBC)


East Coast to Celebrate Marijuana by Passing a Joint through 13 States

From Maine to Miami, supporters of the cannabis movement are going to pass a torch symbolically shaped as a joint to garner support and show a united front in the fight to legalize marijuana.

It’s organized by the East Coast Cannabis Coalition (ECCC) and the so-called Unity Cypher begins its journey in Portland, Maine on April 14th, making  stops in NH, CT, NY, NJ, PA, DE, ME, DC, VA, NC, SC, GA, and FL. Along the way, organizers promise an appearance (and great photo op) at the United National General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) in New York City on April 19 and the National Cannabis Festival in Washington D.C. on April 23.


Can Legal Cannabis Save the US Economy?

The harmful effects of prohibition have been understood by anyone who cares to pay attention. This has been abundantly clear since U.S. alcohol prohibition, way back in 1920 up until 1933.


Pondering pot: Oakland museum marijuana exhibit delves into the debatable bud

This has to be the first time Wayne, Garth, Cheech, Chong, Craig and Smokey have shared a museum wall.

Yes, the Oakland Museum of California has gone to pot, devoting its entire Great Hall gallery to an exhaustive, high-profile exhibition titled, "Altered State: Marijuana in California," which opens Saturday.

But far more than pot pop culture, the exhibit weeds through every imaginable aspect of the complex issue -- from medical claims and the "War on Drugs" of the '80s, to recreational use, conflicting laws, economics, environmental concerns, sacred uses of the plant and, yes, even stoner movies like "Fast Times at Ridgemont High."


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