Recreational Marijuana News


How to legalize marijuana? Go Dutch

Should you find yourself in Amsterdam, cycling along the city’s complex latticework of bike paths, be wary along the canals. It is not uncommon for reckless cyclists to accidentally veer into the water. By the city’s estimates, between 12,000 and 15,000 bicycles are dredged out of the canals each year. It would seem that installing some rudimentary barrier or guardrail along all the canals may prevent such wanton loss of property. But such modest precautions seem antithetical to Amsterdam’s spirit—they’re patronizing and nanny-ish in a city where it’s the individual’s duty conduct him- or herself non-moronically, and not the duty of civic leaders to prevent anyone from doing so.


Retail Pot Sales May Be Coming Soon to the Nation’s Capital

While Congress has prevented the District of Columbia from opening retail pot shops in the nation’s capital, a ruling handed down last month by a D.C. Superior Court judge allows District lawmakers to begin discussing the concept of recreational pot sales at the end of September.

Several weeks ago, Judge Brian Holeman delivered a historical verdict that upholds the District’s Local Budget Autonomy Act — passed in 2013 by 82 percent of the voters — allowing the local government to have complete control over their financial agenda.


The most controversial marijuana champion in the nation’s capital is a fugitive named Kushgod

The man who calls himself Kushgod is conflicted.

Normally, he wants all the attention he can get. In big, bold letters, he has plastered KUSH GODS on what police describe as his “fleet of Kush Gods vehicles.” He named his daughter Freedom Kushgod. He juggles two phones and a bevy of social media profiles featuring “Kush Godesses” striking languid poses on a Kush Gods Mercedes. Media requests are usually accepted on one condition: Cameras must be present.


Here's Everything You Need to Know About the Adult Use of Marijuana Act

Current support for California’s marijuana legalization has taken flight and polls have shown that it is up 60 percent with California’s likely voters in the November presidential contest to support legal pot. The Adult Use of Marijauna Act (AUMA) initiative, has grown in support and off to a huge push for the Nov. 8 ballot by the likes of Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom and former Facebook President, Sean Parker.


Fondues And Fine Teas: Repositioning Pot For The Middle Classes

Imagine a world where most of the global adult population consume a gentle, natural, herbal drug every day that contains psychoactive compounds that relax and revive them. It is often consumed in a social ritual of bonding, conversation and empathy. And this is seen as quite unremarkable.


Jimmy Kimmel's "Mom Weed" Sketch Re-Brands Cannabis for the Suburbs

A new skit from Jimmy Kimmel Live has 420-friendly consumers rolling on the floor with a new “rebranding” of cannabis – this time for moms everywhere.

We open in a laundry room, where the average, everyday suburban mom informs the camera about her “special something” to get her through the day. Is it wine?

Nope, it’s “Mom Weed,” our narrator tells us, holding up a glass water pipe with smoke drifting from the neck. “For moms who toke up on the go,” she smiles cheerfully.

“Let’s face it – taking a fat rip off some dank-ass ganj makes doing laundry, changing diapers, cooking, doing MORE laundry, changing MORE diapers, cooking AGAIN" -- she slams the dryer door before manically smiling at the camera -- “…almost bearable.”


Facebook's Massive Marijuana Spam Problem

Facebook has a huge spam problem across their most popular cannabis-related pages and groups. It comes on two fronts. 

First, every post from any major cannabis-related page will get a dozen spam comments offering to sell cannabis and often other drugs. The accounts they come from are obviously fake when you check them out, and all they do is post offers for weed sales.


Why You Should Care About Pesticides In Your Cannabis

As large-scale growing operations become better regulated, and consumers look increasingly for transparency about how products they're consuming are made, pesticides in cannabis are a cause of widespread concern for users.


UK Cannabis Possession Arrests Fall by Almost 50% Since 2010

In the same five year period cautions for possession fell 48 per cent and the number of people charged fell by 33 per cent.

A 46 per cent fall in the number of arrests for cannabis possession in England and Wales shows the Government must start "developing rational, evidence based policies as alternatives to criminalising cannabis consumers," advocates of cannabis legalisation say.

Data released after a freedom of information request by the BBC shows arrests fell between 2010 and 2015 from 35,367 to 19,115.

In the same five year period, cautions for possession fell 48 per cent and the number of people charged fell by 33 per cent.


10 Marijuana stats that show just how big the industry has become

2016 is shaping up to be a big year for marijuana, but just how big has marijuana become in the world? 

23: The number of states that have legalized medicinal or recreational marijuana

49%: The amount of Americans who have tried marijuana before

84%: The percentage of Americans that now support medical marijuana

$996 million: The amount of revenue recreational marijuana bought in to Colorado in 2015

$135 million: The amount of tax colorado collected from marijuana sales in 2015


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