Recreational Marijuana News


Cannabis coffee is now a thing, and it's tripping us out

Forget blazing – it’s brewing that looks to be all the rage amongst stoners in 2016.

Now that 24 states have legalised medical marijuana, green-fingered weed lovers in the US have become uncharacteristically productive and invented a line of coffee products that could make your morning commute a whole lot more relaxing.

California-based Ganja Grindz has become the first company to sell marijuana-infused coffee beans, filters, pods and tea bags to multiple states in the US, and promise to help you “brew your buzz” by using the most potent cannabis oil available.


Recreational Marijuana Sales Are Up 184%. Is That A Good Thing?

In news that will likely be celebrated by cannabis advocates and marijuana industry stakeholders alike, a new report concludes recreational marijuana sales skyrocketed from $351 million in 2014 to $998 million in 2015 — a 184 percent increase. The data come from the fourth edition of "The State of Legal Marijuana Markets," a joint report from the research wing of the ArcView Group, a marijuana industry investment firm, and New Frontier, a cannabis analytics firm.


Cannabist Calendar: Bob Marley's big day, romance & more in February 2016

Warm up with friends during the dark days of winter at 420 events and parties.

On Feb. 6, celebrate Bob Marley’s birthday at Cervantes. Valentine-themed cannabis events heat up Denver for singles and couples. Singles can jump on the Reels on Wheels bus with comedians lampooning a cult classic movie. Couples can speed through one of three sushi-and-joint-rolling dinners on Valentine’s Day at Green Labs. Lots of comedy shows and art classes throughout the month too.

Plenty of fun to keep you in good spirits during the cold month of February! Find those 420-friendly events — and more than 50 others — in the listings below.

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Maine Joins the Growing List of States to Vote on Marijuana Legalization This Year

Campaigners on Monday handed in nearly double the number of signatures needed to qualify for the ballot. Some will be bad, but that's a pretty big cushion.

It looks like Mainers will be voting on legalization in November. Monday, the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol turned in more than 103,000 raw signatures for its petition drive. It only needs 61,000 valid voter signatures to qualify for the November ballot.


The Farms of Northern India Are Laced with Cannabis


The lush valleys of India’s northern state Himachal Pradesh are filled with verdant farms. Apple trees cascade mountainsides, massive cauliflower blooms soak up the sun on terraced hillsides, and clusters of cannabis plants weave through the landscape.

Foreign visitors to Himachal Pradesh are left speechless by the area’s stunning, mountainous terrain. Stoners are left especially speechless because that terrain is completely choked with marijuana. Most farmers have bud growing throughout or around their properties.

The roads of Himachal Pradesh towns are literally lined with marijuana. All photos by the author.


Ahead of vote on cannabis clubs, future of pot legalization in DC is shaky

When aging Grateful Dead members and their fans broke into song at Verizon Center late last year, a cloud of marijuana smoke rose from the audience. Under D.C. law, the collective exhale constituted more than enough for Mayor Muriel E. Bowser to swoop in and shut down the city’s marquee sports arena — not just for the night, but permanently.


Oregon's first marijuana drive-thru coming to Gold Beach

OK, that's one order of cannabis. Would you like fries with that?

Oregon's adventure into the world of legal retail marijuana is apparently about to get a quintessentially American convenience – a pot store with a drive-thru.

The Curry Coastal Pilot reported Saturday that Green Life Oregon in the coastal town of Gold Beach will soon open a dispensary with a drive-up window across the street from the hospital.

Cannabis, rather than Arby's, would pass hands at a marijuana drive-thru planned for Gold Beach. (The Oregonian)Joseph Rose | The Oregonian/OregonLive 


Aussi Parliamentary Budget Office Report Estimates First Yr Cannabis Tax Revenue at $650 million

If you need an economic argument for legalising marijuana in Australia, here it is: millions of tax dollars.

The Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) has released an estimate of how much the government could raise if a 10% goods and services tax (GST) was hypothetically placed on legalised household consumption of marijuana, and after federal law enforcement stopped going after marijuana related-crime.


Marijuana Reform Takes a Step Back in an Unlikely State

Bad news for supporters of legal marijuana: One state's highest court recently announced it was voiding a decriminalization ordinance that passed last April.

Ready or not, here comes marijuana!

The past two decades have featured a fairly steady expansion in the legal uses of marijuana across the United States. Since 1996, when California passed Proposition 215, which allowed marijuana to be medically prescribed to treat select ailments, a total of 23 states, along with Washington D.C., have legalized the use of marijuana for specific approved conditions.


British Company Developing Field Sobriety Test for Marijuana

Police have long searched for a quick and effective way to test drivers for marijuana, and last week, the British company Oxtox published a study on a new disposable testfor high driving. The test's efficacy rate makes it a promising development for law enforcement and a formidable threat to avid smokers and medical marijuana patients.


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