Recreational Marijuana News


Colorado's monthly marijuana sales top $100 million

Marijuana sales blazed past the $100 million mark for the first time in August, the Denver Post reported over the weekend.

According to sales data from Colorado’s Department of Revenue released Friday, sales of recreational pot topped $59.2 million for the month, while medical marijuana dispensaries pulled in $41.4 million, for a combined $100.6 million — the highest monthly total since legal recreational cannabis sales began there in January 2014.


UK Cannabis debate live: MPs discuss legalising marijuana after petition draws 220000 signatures

MPs debated the legalisation of the production, sale and use of cannabis today.

It came after an online petition drew 220,000 signatures, making it the third most popular petition on Parliament's website.

The debate was led by Labour MP Paul Flynn, who explained why he thinks criminalisation of the drug has failed in an exclusive article for the Mirror.

And there were spirited speeches from Green MP Caroline Lucas and Lib Dem health spokesman Norman Lamb.

Here's a recap of how the debate unfolded.


Growing Pains: Regulating the Use of Pesticides on Marijuana

In 46 states, marijuana smokers still have to worry about being arrested and jailed for their use of marijuana. The latest Uniform Crime Report released a few days ago found more than 700,000 Americans were arrested on marijuana charges during 2014 — a marijuana arrest every 45 seconds. Of those arrests, 88 percent were for simple possession for personal use – just average Americans who enjoy smoking a joint when they relax at the end of the day, just as tens of millions of Americans enjoy a beer or a glass of wine.

And when our personal freedom is at stake, ending arrests has to be the priority for all of us.

New Challenges with Legal Marijuana


Battle is on for control of Michigan's marijuana market

Detroit Councilman George Cushingberry Jr. wants to loosen certain aspects of proposed regulations for the city's medical marijuana dispensaries.

Nearly eight years after Michigan voters overwhelmingly concluded that marijuana should be available to patients whose doctors prescribe it, state lawmakers are finally addressing some of the most egregious defects in Michigan's Medical Marihuana Act.


Oregon Blows First Week Marijuana Sales Out Of The Water

Owners of 245 dispensaries around the state reported combined first week retails sales were around $11 million. That's a ton of green for Oregon's legalized weed. 

First week sales more than double what Colorado's first week sales were.

Oregon is the fourth state to allow recreational marijuana sales to adults over 21 years old. Tax revenue doesn't even kick in for the state until some time in January, but it has state officials thinking their estimates were way too low.


Next Dance with Mary Jane: Canada’s Marijuana Legislation

Weed, Pot, Mary Jane, marijuana – these are all names for cannabis and its derivatives. Marijuana has been helpful to people with chronic pain issues, in calming muscle spasms and in neutralizing the nauseating effects of medications.

According to the Canadian Center for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)’s website, 44% of Canadians say they have used marijuana at some point in their lives. A Statistics Canada report on Police-reported drug offenses in 2013 stated that there were approximately 73 000 reported cannabis offenses that year, 80% of which were for possession.


How Growing More Weed Can Help California Fix Its Water Problems

Last Tuesday, the Humboldt County Courthouse in Eureka, California was swarming with potheads. A pro-cannabis rally had been organized by State Assemblyman Jim Wood, who knows how to grab headlines: In July, Wood walked onto the State Capitol floor carrying a live marijuana plant and asked his colleagues to regulate the heck out of it.


5 things to know about the new California marijuana regulations


SAN FRANCISCO — Nearly two decades after California became the first state to legalize medical marijuana, the state finally is planning to regulate the vast, unruly industry the voter-approved move spawned.

Gov. Jerry Brown on Friday signed a package of bills that create a licensing and oversight framework for the growing and selling of medical marijuana and pot-infused products.

Here are the basics on the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act, how it might affect the existing landscape for medical marijuana and what happens next.


Marijuana, Killing California!

California is in the midst of an ecological disaster! Under the guise of producing “medical marijuana” huge pot plantations are completely dewatering streams and causing irreparable harm to some of the most precious ecosystems on earth.

America has spent over 40 years and $1 trillion to interdict and stop the flow of illicit drugs into the US. Now, California has a $32 billion marijuana industry illegally supplying 60% of the marijuana to the entire US market while our government(s) stands idly by. California is the nation’s cartel.


Triban gives lecture on cannabis

DANCEHALL singjay Triban is hoping to educate listeners about the health benefits associated with the marijuana plant in his latest single Cannabis.

"Marijuana (cannabis) is not just for smoking as persons believe. I believe it is one of the most important plants in the world because of its health benefits, but it doesn't get the respect it deserves. This songs aims at highlighting that, so I hope the message will resonate well with the listeners. It's not just another ganja song," the 38-year-old told the Jamaica Observer.

Released on October 2, Cannabis is produced by Full Flight Records.

The medicinal benefits of the cannabis plant is well documented.


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