Recreational Marijuana News


San Francisco's first marijuana 'baked sale' shows that edibles are the next multimillion-dollar food ...

Melia Robinson/Business InsiderThe Big Pete's Sweet Treats six-pack of cannabis-infused chocolate chip cookies are labeled with dosage information.

Last weekend, thousands from the Bay Area poured into the outdoor SoMa StrEAT Food Park for the Get Baked Sale, the first annual food rally for marijuana edibles enthusiasts.


Cattle farmer, 70, caught growing £50k of cannabis because he thought it would be more lucrative than beef

A respected farmer began growing cannabis in his cowshed to pay for new cattle grids.

John Shears, 70, a former National Farmers Union branch chairman, fell for the ‘crackpot’ scheme because he thought it would make him more money that rearing beef.

He hoped to be paid £3,000 a year in rent for the use of the shed and outbuildings by a cannabis grower – but lost money when crops failed.

He was caught with 187 plants with a potential yield of almost £50,000 when police raided the farm at Chagford in Devon.

Officers also arrested drug user Daniel Perryman, 26, who was tending the crop, and found so much cannabis growing they had to get reinforcements to remove it all, Exeter Crown Court was told.


Blakk Rasta's wee comment reckless

Editor in Chief of the New Crusading GUIDE newspaper has described as "reckless" the assertion by reggae radio show host, Blackk Rasta that about 80% of Members of Parliament (MPs) might have used or are still using marijuana.

He was contributing to the debate on the legislature's decision to invoke its contempt powers on two personalities summoned before its privileges committee for comments deemed to have brought members into disrepute.

He remarked; "the wee one is completely reckless," even though he held the view that the decision of parliament to hold people for contempt was not grounded in law and history because the house was not a law court.


Social trends- Marijuana Churches

There is a new social tend developing among marijuana cannabis devotees- the heady mix of God, weed and church services. The latest in the news is The First Church of Cannabis based in Indianapolis, Indiana. Minister of Love William Levin has taken advantage of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) to start the church and announced the first service will take place on July 1st, when the act becomes legal. What does this mean? Apparently parishioners will be able to light up on church premises without fear of arrest. Pretty interesting when you consider that Indiana doesn’t even allow medical marijuana use.


U.S. scientists brace for ‘marijuana meltdown’ as laws ease

WASHINGTON – The only marijuana available for research in the U.S. is locked down by federal regulators who are more focused on studies to keep people off the drug than helping researchers learn how it might be beneficial.

Marijuana is a trend that “will peak like tobacco, then people will see their error,” said Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), which serves as the gatekeeper for U.S. marijuana research through its oversight of a pot farm that grows the only plants that can be used in clinical trials.





Marijuana advocates say NIDA’s control over research has restricted their ability to test the drug against ailments such as pain, cancer-related nausea and epilepsy.


Weed In The Works At Hillel - Students Warned After Candies Laced With Ganja Leave Some Sick

Administrators at a prestigious Corporate Area secondary school are moving swiftly to deal with students turning up for school high on weed.

Reports are that the students at the Hillel Academy are not smoking the ganja, instead they are ingesting it through a popular candy.

The Sunday Gleaner has received a copy of a letter sent to parents and guardians of children attending the school, as well as teachers at the institution.

According to the letter, the candies take the shape of the popular 'gummy bears' and 'gummy worm' candies but contain marijuana extracts.


Injured teacher no fan of marijuana

Don’t tell her about the medical wonders of marijuana. And don’t tell her that it’s a relatively benign drug that doesn’t really hurt anybody.

Certainly, don’t tell her anything like that after she has had to stand all day in her classroom at Pueblo West High School, where she teaches mathematics. After dealing with sharp pain and fatigue in her mangled right knee for hours, you wouldn’t find her very receptive to the wonders of getting stoned.

And don’t bring up the topic as the newlywed contemplates her future as a mother, worried how she’ll manage the added weight during pregnancy, or how she’ll carry or play with her child.


What Is Dabbing Marijuana?

A lot of people who know something about the marijuana scene have heard the term "dabbing," but there are many who haven't actually tried it. That's not to say it's not popular, as it has seen a resurgence in the past few years among marijuana users. Dabbing has been around for decades, but new techniques for accomplishing it have recently emerged. Even if you've heard of it, you might be wondering — What exactly is dabbing?



Think Too Much: Burning questions on marijuana need answers

Starting on July 1, as you might have heard, it will be legal for anyone over the age of 21 to possess and use marijuana under certain conditions.

With that deadline looming, state officials last week launched an educational campaign (you can view it on the website to give residents an idea of some of the ins and outs of marijuana legalization.

You probably know the general details of the law: It will be legal for anyone over 21 in Oregon to possess up to 8 ounces of useable marijuana for consumption at home or on private property. You can possess up to an ounce of marijuana in public. You can give away marijuana and receive it as a gift — but, alas, not in time for Father’s Day.


Rapid Response: How will legal marijuana change Oregon?

As of July 1, marijuana will be legal for recreational use by adults in Oregon.

Now that we’re close to that eventful day, we asked our Rapid Responders to give their crystal-ball look at Oregon’s future: Will this be good or bad for Oregon?

For example, will this create more problems for law enforcement, or will police be freed up to focus on higher-priority issues? Will substance-abuse addictions increase, or possibly decrease because of how people treat marijuana?

What they said

With commercialization of this product, the illegal trade will no longer generate immense profits, so law enforcement will be able to refocus on higher priority issues.


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