

Friday Funny: Big game hunters uncover MILLIONS worth of cannabis trying to find Bigfoot

The big game hunters were out hoping to find the elusive Sasquatch – but found a massive cannabis field.

They alerted the authorities after they spotted the campsite.

Texas cops seized around a staggering 6,550 plants, with some as tall as 10 feet.

Last week a hungry herd of deer got the munchies and chewed through thousands of cannabis plants.

The determined animals managed to wrangle through barbed-wire fencing to binge on the hemp - which is often used to make cannabis.

Around 1,000 were planted by the company Orhempco – but the craving herd left only 40 after devouring the patch in Oregon, America.


7 States That Would Earn the Most Money by Legalizing Marijuana

Some of us are still processing this whole marijuana legalization deal. For many people, it’s kind of hard to believe legalization is actually really happening — it’s no longer simply a topic of discussion marijuana smokers debate over, it’s right here and right now. Imagine going back in time and telling yourself 10 or 15 years ago that in 2015, recreational pot would be legal in four states — and even Washington D.C.


Border Patrol agents seize more than $1.5 million worth of marijuana

RIO GRANDE VALLEY – U.S. Border Patrol agents confiscated nearly 2,000 pounds of marijuana in three seizures early Friday morning, a more than $1.5 million worth of marijuana bust.

Early Friday, agents assigned to the Brownsville Station were advised of possible illegal activity on the eastside of Brownsville, CBP says. As the agents reached the area, they saw a white SUV driving north from the Rio Grande.

Border Patrol agents say the alleged marijuana driver noticed the agents and decided to make a U-turn, headed back to the river. The vehicle was then submerged in water. CBP says the driver swam back to Mexico, abandoning more than 1,100 pounds of marijuana.


N. Texas cafe will sell cannabis drinks and snacks

A North Texas cannabis company will soon debut its first cafe, with hemp-infused drinks and snacks. 

The AmeriCanna Café is a subsidiary of the publicly-traded Dallas-based North American Cannabis Holdings, Inc (USMJ). It's expected to open in Frisco by the end of the year, CEO Steven Rash said. 

"We want it to be like Starbucks of cannabis," he said. 

The drinks and snacks don't contain marijuana — the popular breed of cannabis consumed for its intoxicating THC. That's illegal in Texas. Instead they use hemp, the legal and less edgy cannabis plant. But that could change someday, said Rash, 67. 


Texas: Labor Day marijuana rally held in Tyler


Hundreds of new Texas laws went into effect last week, but one East Texas House candidate is fighting for a bill that didn't make it across the governor's desk. 

On the Tyler Square, Libertarian Joel Gardner held a Labor Day rally calling for an end to marijuana prohibition. 

A few dozen people joined Gardner on the square in support of full legalization of the cannabis plant and Texas bills that could make that happen. 

"The majority of people support changing the marijuana laws," said Gardner. "Upwards of 75 percent, and our representatives do not represent us."


Texan cancer patient becomes medical refugee, moving for marijuana

Toni Anderson considers herself a medical refugee. She and her husband are packing their bags and leaving Texas for a chance to smoke medical marijuana.

“My main goal is to get out of El Paso because I want to live,” Anderson said.

Anderson has stage three cervical cancer. She has gone through chemotherapy and radiation, spending months on end in the hospital. She tried CBD oils while on chemotherapy and said there is a noticeable difference.

“Chemo that was a doozy for me but the radiation is what really got me,” Anderson said. “I cannot see how people do it without it. I'm in all honesty if I didn't have it when I was doing the chemo I would not have made it.”


Eco-friendly Industrial Hemp and The Great Garbage Patch

Far from sight, floating like some foul human excrement in the midst of our virgin blue ocean, a nightmarish conglomeration of plastic crap is growing at an exponential rate; water bottles, fast food toys, ice chests, used prophylactics, grocery store bags, disposable diapers and the occasional random appliance, offer a testament to human ignorance.

Eco-friendly Industrial Hemp and The Great Garbage Patch

Eco-friendly Industrial Hemp and The Great Garbage Patch


New laws on marijuana, truancy, drones take effect in Texas

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - Texas is taking its first step toward easing limits on medical marijuana - even as it imposes bans on synthetic forms of the drug.

A measure allowing some epilepsy patients to get low-THC cannabis oil, Texas’ first concession on medical marijuana, is one of nearly 700 new laws taking effect Tuesday.

Also kicking in are laws strengthening restrictions on synthetic marijuana.

So are laws scrapping criminal penalties for skipping school and ending the “pick-a-pal” grand jury system, which critics said created conflicts of interest.

Elected officials accused of ethics crimes will now be tried in their home counties and “revenge porn,” or posting explicit pictures of ex-lovers online, becomes a crime.


Cannabis oil last hope for Texas child with epilepsy


AUSTIN (Nexstar) — In June, Gov. Greg Abbott signed a bill into law that legalized the use of cannabis oil for epilepsy patients, making Texas the 16th state to allow access to limited medical use of marijuana-derived oils.

“A lot of Texans are ready to see access to medical marijuana for those patients that have debilitating conditions,” Heather Fazio with the Marijuana Project said. “We worked for a bill that would have allowed a little bit more access to those suffering from cancer, PTSD multiple sclerosis, debilitating conditions like that. With this program—the compassionate use program—it’s a much more restrictive program.”


SFA students agree with study that student pot use is at all time high

For the first time in history marijuana use surpassed cigarettes use among college students, according one national study. 
Stephen F. Austin State University students said the findings in the study are true on their campus as well. 

Cigarette smoking for college students, according to the University of Michigan study, has lost its spark. 

"In the past years, I've seen a shift in the attitude towards cigarettes from cool and accepted to gross," said an SFA student who interviewed anonymously. 

The study revealed a steep drop from 19% in 1999 to 5% today.

"I think if you go back in history and look, many people smoked cigarettes, and they didn't feel like it had harmful effects either," said Phyllis Grandgeorge, the Executive Director at A.D.A.C. 


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